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- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
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- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control

This driver is used to assist dealers in accessing more detailed information about their system. To access the information provided by the driver type in the IP address of your processor into any web browser.
Version History:
1.1: Support for 23.3.28 Firmware and newer.
1.2: Set port to 80 for future development needs.
XP Diagnostics
The diagnostics driver provides status and logging information that can be accessed by any web browser. Add this driver to the processor you wish to monitor and open a web browser such as Firefox or Safari. You can also start a web session by clicking the 'Communications' menu in Integration Designer and selecting 'Show Devices on Local Network'. Double-click on the processor to launch a browser session directed at that processor.
Status Tab
This tab provides general information regarding the status of the system.
• Name - The name given to the processor in Integration Designer.
• IPAddress - The IP address obtained using DHCP or the statically provisioned address.
• MACAddress - The MAC address of the master processor.
• Up Time - How long the system has been running since the last reset.
• Firmware - The three digit XP firmware version.
• Memory Used - The percentage of system memory in use. A memory usage greater than 80% indicates that a slave processor may be needed to off load the master. An increase of this number over time indicates a memory leak. When the system approaches 100% memory used, the behaviour is unpredictable and will likely result in a 'frozen' XP processor.
• SystemVar Load - The percentage of system variables in use. Each driver added to the system subtracts from a fixed number of system variables. When this value reaches 80% or greater, you may want to reduce the installed drivers or split the system.
Drivers Tab
This tab provides detailed information regarding the status of each installed driver.
• Name - The name of the driver.
• CPU - The current percentage of processing time used by the driver. A driver using more than 50% of the CPU may indicate a setup problem or the need to add addtional slave processors.
• CPU Avg - The average percentage of processing time used by the driver.
• Mem Used - The amount of memory in bytes used by the driver. A typical driver uses between 10-50k of memory.
• Mem Peak - The maximum amount of memory used by the driver.
• Ports - Indicates which IO ports are being used by the driver.
RTiPanel Tab
This tab shows all connected RTiPanel devices.
• Device Type - The device class (Android, iOS, Virtual Panel, etc..).
• Network Type - WAN or LAN.
• State - Indicates connection state.
• Timeout - Indicates current timeout value for the device.
Zigbee Tab
This tab shows all Zigbee devices in the system that the processor has recieved data from. When a remote sends a Zigbee packet to the processor, the 'Activity' column will turn green indicating data flow. By using an iPad or iPhone to view the diagnotics webapp, the acitvity indicator can be used to determine Zigbee responsiveness in different areas of the home.
• Device - Name of remote provisioned in ID.
• RX - The number of bytes received from remote.
• Activity - Green indicates activity. The acitvity indicator will turn gray after a few seconds of inactivity.
UPnP Tab
This tab shows all UPnP devices on the network including ESC-2 devices. This information is useful when setting up ESC-2 expansion devices and when configuring UPnP enabled drivers.
Sysvars Tab
This tab allows monitoring of any system variable or system flag. Choose the desired driver and variable to monitor then click 'Add'.
Flags Tab
This tab allows monitoring of any system flag. Select the flag to monitor then click 'Add'.
Log Tab
This tab provides access to system and driver logging information. This information can be used to debug system setup issues and intermittent problems that ocurr once the system is up and running.
By default, only system and driver error messages will be displayed in the logger. All other logging data must be enabled on a per catergory basis. Each catergory has four log levels (None, Low, Medium and High). The log level determines how much information will be displayed for a particular catergory. The levels are inclusive so the information displayed at the 'Low' level will also show at the 'Medium' and 'High' levels.
Log levels will return to their default settings upon reset unless the 'Save Levels' button has been selected.
Get Report Tab
This tab provides a file copy of all status and logging information in the system. This file may be saved for future analysis or for sending to RTI Tech Support.
User Logging
The installer/programmer may create their own log messages to help debug system issues. The driver functions 'Log User Message' and 'Log User Error' will place custom log message into the system logger window. The Log tab has a level setting for the 'User' catergory allowing the debug data to be enable/disabled at runtime.
Release History
1.0 The original release of the driver
1.01 Added logging support
1.02 Header reformat
1.1 Adds support for firmware versions 23.2.28 and newer