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- Voice Control

This driver is for the Voice Viper Voice Control Processor using serial or Ethernet connectivity.
Voice Viper
This driver is for the Voice Viper Voice Control Processor.
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
Network (TCP) Connection
The ETHERNET connection on the Voice Viper processor should be connected to the Network.
The Voice Viper processor should be set to a Static IP Address using port 23.
Serial Port Connection
The RS232 connection on the Voice Viper processor should be connected through a null modem/crossover cable to the XP Series Processor serial adapter.
The Voice Viper processor defaults to a baud rate of 38400.
Listener and Talkback Configuration
Listener Auto Off - Select to enable auto off of listener upon initialization.
Talkback On - Select to enable talkback feature upon initialization.
Command Configuration
Match Percentage Threshold - Enter the threshold percentage (50-100) for executing match events upon initialization.
Command Count - Enter the number of commands to configure in the Voice Viper. Up to 256 commands are support.
Note - Upon initialization the driver will clear all commands in the Voice Viper and write all commands configured in driver. The more commands that are configured the longer it will take for the driver to complete the initialization process.
Commands 1-256
Command (1-256) - Enter the name to use for command (1-256).
Driver Notes
- Driver commands are for Listener State, Listener Auto Off State, Talkback State, Set Match Command Threshold, Adjust Match Threshold, and a RAW Command. These commands are for use on user interfaces so the values can be adjusted after driver initialization. The settings will reset to the driver configuration values upon a system reboot/download.
- Driver variables are for Listener States, Listener Auto Off States, Talkback States, Receiving Command, Receiving Command Percentage, Receiving Command Visibility, Match Command Threshold, Last Active Command (text, integer), Command Names (text), Command Active Status (commands 1-256), Connection States, and Initializing State. A Command Name List variable is also available for creating a list object with all commands configured in the driver listed alphabetically.
- Driver events are for Listener States, Listener Auto Off States, Talkback States, and Commands 1-256 Triggered.
- Listener Auto Off allows for the system/driver to operate in a similar fashion to automobile voice assisted systems where the listener must be turned on prior to the voice command. Once a command match occurs the listener is turned off in order to avoid unintended command executions. There is a 10 second timeout period where if the Voice Viper does not issue a matched command response the driver will turn the listener off.
- It is recommended that the listener confidence level in the Voice Viper be set to the lowest setting allowed, therefore the driver can manage the triggering of events via the driver's current match threshold value.