Driver Details

Vitrea VTouch Pro (formerly VBox Pro)

Updated: Aug. 20, 2018
Version: 1.01


This driver controls the Vitrea VTouch Pro System via IP control

Version History:

Version 1.0 Initial Release.

Version 1.01 changes product name, adjusts max keypad count and adds scenario management.

Vitrea Smart Home Technologies

VTouch Pro (originally VBox Pro)

This driver controls the Vitrea System via IP control

Revision History
The initial release of the driver
1.01 Name changed to VTouch Pro, Adds scenario naming/management. Max keypads count changed to 150

Vitrea Settings

Keypad Count: Set the amount of keypads in the system. Supported 1 to 150

Scenario Count: Set the amount of scenarios in the system. Support 0 to 250


Scenario Name: Allows user to name scenarios for ease of programming in Integration Designer/APEX


Name: Name of the keypad used for ease of programming in Integration Designer/APEX

Button Count: The number of buttons used on the keypad

Show Button Names: Displays or hides name fields in the configuration window

Show Button Types: Displays or hides type fields in the configuration window

Button X Name: Name of the specific button

Button X Type: Type of the specific button, this will affect variable and function visibility within Integration Designer/APEX


Satellite Keypresses: Events are provided for satellite Long, Short, and Release states

Light/Boiler On/Off: Events are provided for On and Off states of Boilers and Lights