Driver Details

Vitrea VTouch Plus Keypads

Updated: Dec. 30, 2015
Version: 1.11


This driver controls the Vitrea VTouch keypads via either the RS-232 or ethernet connections on the VBOX-Plus gateway.

Version History:

Version 1.1 adds support for buttons in Toggle mode.

Version 1.11 fixes a problem where only keypad one worked correctly.

Vitrea Smart Home Technologies

This driver controls the Vitrea System through the VBOX-Plus Gateway either by Ethernet or RS-232. Serial connections are made directly through the RTI RJS-232 adapter to the VBOX

Revision History
The initial release of the driver
1.1 Adds toggle mode button events
1.11 Fixes keypad addressing problem (keypad always set to 1)


The driver is configured by first selecting the type of connection to be used, entering the addressing and port information for that connection, and then entering the number of keypads (up to 50) in the system. The driver allows naming of the keypads so that the keypad pull downs in the LED command and the events triggered by the button presses will show the keypad names rather than simply showing Keypad 17.

Events vs. Variables
utton presses in the system are reported to the driver and need to be linked to an action on the processor, either a driver command from another driver or a serial or IR command. Because of this the bulk of programming for this driver is done through the event mechanism rather than through variables.

When a button is pressed (or sometimes released) it triggers a driver event that must be set to trigger a system macro on the events tab of the processor properties. Any action that a Vitrea button is to trigger must first be programmed into a macro, then the macro can be tied to the appropriate event for that button.

The event triggered by the button depends on the configuration of the button. The buttons can either be in Satellite or Push Button Mode. Available events for buttons are:
Satellite mode button events:
Short Press
Double Press (must be configured in the Vbox Configuration Tool)
Long Press
Release (only after a Long Press)

Push Button mode buttons
Short Press (regardless of length)
Release (after every press)

Toggle Button mode buttons alternate between these messages
Toggle On
Toggle Off

The LED state is not reported to the driver so there are no variables for the LEDs and there is no way to find out what their state is on first connecting with the box

Because every command to the VBOX acts on LED's there is only one command in the driver, the LED command. To change the state of an LED you select the Keypad, then the LED's to act on, including the blue background LEDs, and finally the action. You have the option of turning the orange LEDs on or off or toggling them. You can also cause them to blink at two different speeds. The background LEDs can't blink but can have their brightness changed to one of 5 brightness states.