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This driver is for Vaddio products with a telnet IP interface. It was tested on the RoboSHOT 12E HDMI, and the EasyIP Mixer.
Vaddio Telnet
This driver is for Vaddio products with a telnet IP interface. It was tested on the RoboSHOT 12E HDMI, and the EasyIP Mixer.
Release History
v1.0 This is the initial release of the driver.
v1.1 Adds Standby commands
When using this driver with EasyIP systems, you must follow the instructions provided by Vaddio to pair the EasyIP Mixer/Decoder with the cameras using their Web Interface. The Camera Control commands will only work if the EasyIP system is paired to them. The Camera's also need to be added in Sequential order so that the SourceID's and Commands get sent to the correct place. (ex. If using 2 cameras have them in camera 1 and 2 not camera 1 and 4)
Note: If you are using a HDMI camera with an EasyIP Mixer you will need a separate instance of the Driver pointing to the HDMI camera itself to control its PTZ functions. The Mixer does not support PTZ commands for HDMI cameras. An example of this is provided in the Sample File.
Config Settings
Device Type
Enter the type of device you wish to control. The default is a EasyIP Mixer, but you may also control a HDMI Camera or an EasyIP Decoder. The system variables and functions will scale to the number of cameras, and line in/out ports available on each device.
Enter the connection information for the driver. The port is set to 23, which is the default for telnet. Your camera's username and password are also required in Driver Properties to establish connection.
Audio Sources:
When using this driver with a Mixer or Decoder you may want to use the Audio Sources. If using the decoder, you can use 'Master', 'Line Out 1', and 'USB Record Decoder'. All inputs to these will show available, check your model's manual to ensure what inputs can be routed to what outputs.
This driver communicates with the devices through a two-way connection. The only variables currently set up are Volume levels, and Mute On/Off. There is also Crosspoint Gain and Toggle On/Off for mixers and decoders to deal with input levels and switching.
NOTE: This system does not provide any live feedback if changes are made in the online interface. Because of this system variables for all Mixer/Decoder audio functions (Crosspoint and Input Control) will NOT be updated unless used on the RTI controller to make these changes. If something becomes out of sync, making a change on the RTI controller should automatically update the System Variable.
Connection Events are the only events currently implemented.
Tilt, Focus, Pan, and Zoom commands will automatically stop after 300 milliseconds of not being called or immediately if a button with the "Stop" tag is pressed. Each movement command has a speed parameter. This is not changeable dynamically; it is part of the command on the button.
The commands (except Focus) also have direct set versions such as 'Pan to 100'. This can be used to create buttons for specific locations but do not work well with sliders as once a command is sent, the camera cannot be redirected until it reaches that end point.
The zoom command range depends on the camera. Because the driver cannot detect the camera type, the range is set to 1-30, even though many cameras cannot zoom that far. The camera will ignore a command out of its range and write an error message to the error variable.
The focus commands will not work if the camera is in auto focus. It will display an error message if that variable is on the panel.
The home command will return the pre-configured home position for the camera. This is not able to be set from the driver and must be configured using Vaddio's program.
Presets can be recalled and stored. They will be stored with buttons using the "Preset Store *" tag and can be recalled using buttons with the "Preset Recall *" tag.
Volume commands are available for Master, as well as all line in and out ports. These include both Up and Down commands as well as a Mute command. There also is Audio Routing commands to help direct audio inputs to outputs.
Video commands are available to switch between Inputs, as well as enable PIP on the device. For more information on how the device decides what input is in the PIP window see the User manual for the device.
For Cameras:
Presets for each camera are tagged as "Preset <# of preset>".
All directional controls are tagged as "<Tilt/Pan> <Up/Down>"
For Mixers/Decoders:
All Input Levels are tagged as "Input Level: <Input Name>" this tag will auto program a slider to set and show the value.
All Input On/Off's are tagged as "Input: <Input Name>" this tag will auto program a button to toggle the input on/off and show its status.