Driver Details

Tyba Turn 2

Updated: June 21, 2024
Version: 1.02


This driver allows the Turn2 to control certain aspects of the RTI System. Such as Source control, Light control, Shade control and Temperature control. It also allows the RTI System to control the Turn 2 device, so that it keeps in synch with the RTI system.


Version History:

Version 1.0: Initial Release

Version 1.01: Updated to work with latest Tyba FW that has Sonos integration

Version 1.02:  Fixed an issue with scaling options

Tyba Turn 2 Driver

This driver is for the Tyba Turn 2.

This is an Auto Build driver so will not work in ID9.

Revision History

Initial Release of the Driver

Fixed Volume Control and feedback after latest Tyba FW Update.

Fixed an issue with scaling options

Driver Information

This driver allows the Turn2 to control certain aspects of the RTI System.

Such as Source control, Light control, Shade control and Temperature control.

It also allows the RTI System to control the Turn 2 device, so that it keeps in synch with the RTI system.

Most of this is handled automatically, with only a few commands required.

You need to configure the Turn 2 with the Sources, Lights, Shades, Scenes etc that you want.

The driver will pull that config from the Turn 2 and create the driver.

For Source Selection there are events for each source configured on the Turn 2.

Add the relevant activity command to the event and when the source is selected on the Turn 2 it will run that activities commands on the RTI System.

The Turn 2 supports artwork and 2 lines of Metadata for each source.

If a Source doesn’t have any metadata, the are commands in the driver to allow you to add some manually.

You will also need to put the Source Control/Select Source command in the relative sources activity selected event so that when that activity is selected on RTI it updates the Turn 2.

For Transport Control, Lights, Shades and scenes this is done in the driver config, and is handled automatically by the driver.

Driver Configuration Settings:

Turn 2 Name - The Name of the Turn 2. (Only for diagnostic purposes)

IP Address - The IP address of the Device. Please ensure this is a static IP address. This is required for control.


Enable Scaling – Enable this if the Volume control of the source doesn’t support 0-100.

Minimum – Enter the sources minimum volume value here

Maximum - Enter the sources maximum volume value here

Volume Variable to Use – Select the Volume level variable of the sources driver here

Volume Command to Use – Select the sources Volume Set command here

Source 1 - 8

Artwork Variable to Use – Select the sources variable to use for Artwork.

Metadata Line 1 Variable to Use – Select the sources variable to use for metatadata line 1

Metadata Line 2 Variable to Use - Select the sources variable to use for metatadata line 2

Play Variable to Use – Select the Play variable of the sources driver here

Play Command to Use – Select the sources Play command here

Pause Command to Use – Select the sources Pause command here

Skip Forward Command to Use – Select the sources Skip forward command here

Skip Back Command to Use – Select the sources Skip back command here


Temperature Variable to Use – Select the Temperature variable to use (Requires the Turn 2 to be set to External Temperature.

Temperature Divisor – If your temperature variable needs to be divided to show the correct value, enter the divisor value here

Setpoint Level Command to Use – Select the setpoint set command to use

Setpoint Level Divisor – If your setpoint variable needs to be divided to show the correct value, enter the divisor value here

Setpoint Level Variable to Use – Select the Setpoint variable to use

Humidity Level Divisor – If your humidity variable needs to be divided to show the correct value, enter the divisor value here

Humidity Level Variable to Use – Select the humidity variable to use

Humidity Setpoint Level Command to Use – Select the humidity setpoint set command to use

Humidity Setpoint Level Divisor – If your humidity setpoint variable needs to be divided to show the correct value, enter the divisor value here

Humidity Setpoint Level Variable to Use – Select the humidity setpoint variable to use

Air Quality Divisor – If your air quality variable needs to be divided to show the correct value, enter the divisor value here

Air Quality Variable to Use – Select the air quality variable to use

Air Pressure Divisor – If your air pressure variable needs to be divided to show the correct value, enter the divisor value here

Air Pressure Variable to Use – Select the air pressure variable to use

Fan Scenes

Fan Scene ({Scene Name}): Variable – Select the fan scene variable to use

Fan Scene ({Scene Name}): Command – Select the fan scene command to use

Mode Presets

Mode Preset ({Preset Name}): Variable – Select the mode variable to use

Mode Preset ({Preset Name}): Command – Select the mode command to use

Light: {Light Name}

If Light is set to Dimmable on the Turn 2

Enable Scaling – Enable this if the light level doesn’t support 0-100.

Minimum – Enter the lights minimum value here

Maximum - Enter the lights maximum value here

Light Level Variable to Use – Select the light level variable here

Light Level Command to Use – Select the lights level set command here

If Light is set to Switched on The Turn 2

Light Power Variable to Use – Select the light power variable here

Light Power On Command to Use – Select the lights power on command here

Light Power Off Command to Use – Select the lights power off command here

Light Scenes

Light Scene: ({Scene Name}) Variable – Select the light scene variable to use

Light Scene: ({Scene Name}) Command – Select the light scene command to use

Shade: {Shade Name}

If Shade is set to Positional on the Turn 2

Enable Scaling – Enable this if the shade level doesn’t support 0-100.

Minimum – Enter the shades minimum value here

Maximum - Enter the shades maximum value here

Shade Variable to Use – Select the shade level variable here

Shade Command to Use – Select the shade level set command here

If Light is set to Switched on The Turn 2

Shade State Variable to Use – Select the shade state variable here

Shade Close Command to Use – Select the shades close command here

Light Open Command to Use – Select the shades open command here

Light Scenes

Light Scene: ({Scene Name}) Variable – Select the light scene variable to use

Light Scene: ({Scene Name}) Command – Select the light scene command to use