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This driver is for the SurgeX Axess and Axess Elite controllable power conditioners using serial or IP control.
SurgeX Axess
This driver is for the SurgeX Axess and Axess Elite controllable power conditioners using serial or IP control.
Note - The Axess/Axess Elite units in use SHALL NOT be linked in any manner via the SurgeX setup. The Driver supports up to 12 units in any combination for a maximum total of 96 outlets (using Axess and/or Axess Elite models) and a maximum of 24 relays closures (using only Axess Elite models).
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
Configuration Settings
Conditioner Count
Axess Power Conditioner Count - Select the number of Axess/Axess Elite power conditioners to configure. Up to 12 Axess/Axess Elite Power conditioners are supported.
Selected Outlet/Relay Settings
Enable Selected Outlet/Relay - Enable if use of Selected Outlet/Relay control is preferred.
Axess Power Conditioner (1-12)
Name - Enter the name to use for Axess power conditioner (1-12).
Connection Type - Select the method used to communicate with Axess power conditioner (1-12).
If connection type is Network (TCP)
The TCP/IP connection on the SurgeX should be connected to the Ethernet Network.
The SurgeX IP address should be set to use a static IP address using a terminal program or Web interface.
The default IP address of the Axess Elite (SX-AX15E/SX-AX20E) is
The default IP address of the Axess (SX-AX15/SX-AX20) is
Port 23 is used as default for TCP/IP (telnet) communication.
If connection type is Serial
The Serial (RS-232) connection on the SurgeX should be connected with a straight through cable to the processor serial adapter.
The default baud rate of the Axess Elite (SX-AX15E/SX-AX20E) is 9600.
The default baud rate of the Axess (SX-AX15/SX-AX20) is 115200.
Username - Enter the username for Axess power conditioner (1-12). Factory default is admin.
Password - Enter the password for Axess power conditioner (1-12). Factory default is admin.
Conditioner Type - Conditioner (1-12) Type. Selections are Elite (SX-AX15E/SX-AX20E), and Standard (SX-AX15/SX-AX20).
Outlet (1-8) Name - Enter the name to use for Axess power conditioner (1-12) - Outlet (1-8).
If configured as a standard Axess power conditioner (SX-AX15/SX-AX20), these names can be any valid ID/UI displayable name.
If configured as an Axess Elite power conditioner (SX-AX15E/SX-AX20E), these names must match what is programmed in the conditioner setup/device web interface.
Relay (1-2) Name (Axess Elite only) - Enter the name to use for Axess power conditioner (1-12) - Relay (1-2).
These names must match what is programmed in the conditioner setup/device web interface.
Additional Driver Notes
- The Axess/Axess Elite units in use SHALL NOT be linked in any manner via the SurgeX setup. The Driver supports up to 12 units in any combination for a maximum total of 96 outlets (using Axess and/or Axess Elite models) and a maximum of 24 relays closures (using only Axess Elite models).
- The Axess/Axess Elite power conditioners do not provide unsolicited feedback, so this driver uses an independent 30 second polling routine for each configured power conditioner. The driver also uses an independent command queue for each configured power conditioner, in which commands are added to the corresponding queue and executed in the order they are added to the queue. Once a command is added to the queue, the 30 second poll is suspended until all commands in the queue are executed. Once all commands in the queue are executed a status query command is sent to the power conditioner and the 30 second poll is restarted.
- The command queue has a built in delay between command executions for achieving reliable outlet/relay control. The delay time is dependent on what type of conditioner is in use and what connection type the driver is using to communicate with the conditioner. When adjusting multiple outlets/relays on a single conditioner within a macro, the time in which the action for each outlet/relay is executed will vary based upon the delay time used for the specific conditioner configuration.
- Variables for Outlet/Relay On, Off, and Reboot are written from the driver directly for instantaneous feedback on the UI. Once the driver receives a valid response for the status query or 30 second poll, it verifies whether any outlets/relays actually changed state from on to off, off to on, or reboot to on/off and if so the driver then executes the corresponding driver event. At the same time the event is updated, it will if needed correct any incorrect feedback status, which should only occur if using the reboot command and the delay/reboot time of the conditioner (Elite version only) is set at higher intervals.
- Connection status and initialization status variables and events are available for each independent power conditioner configured.
- The Axess Elite models (SX-AX15e/SX-AX20E) provide additional information for the conditioner globally and for each outlet. Additional Info Visibility variables can be used for exposing these values on the UI. Please see the included sample file for examples of how this would be setup.