Driver Details

Sony Sound Bars

Updated: Sept. 11, 2015
Version: 1.00


This driver is for Sony Sound Bars using the Sony CIS-IP2 IP control protocol via Ethernet only

Sony Sound Bar

This driver is for Sony Sound Bars using the Sony CIS-IP2 IP control protocol via Ethernet.

A Sony SA-ST9 sound bar with a software version of M28.R.0302 was used during the development of this driver.

Revision History
The Initial release of the driver.

Connection Settings

Connection Type - Network (TCP) only.

TCP Address - Enter the IP Address assigned to the Sony Sound Bar. It is recommended the receiver be set to a static IP via the Internet Setup menu of the receiver or by setting a MAC reservation in the network router.

TCP Port - The TCP port which the driver communicates with the Sony Sound Bar. 33336 is the default setting.

Driver Notes

- This driver only supports Ethernet control of the Sony Sound Bar. CIS-IP2 protocol capabilities are not available via serial (RS232).

- Events are provided for Connection/Initialization States along Main power, mute, and source selections only.

- GUI Settings commands are provided for controlling On-Screen navigation.

- A RAW driver command is is provided with parameters for Set/Get type, Feature Group, Feature, and Value. Refer to the Sony CIS-IP2 IP Control Protocol documentation for information.