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This driver is for control of Somfy POE Motor compatible shade motors. The driver communicates with each motor connected to the local network over UDP, a physical gateway is not required for this solution.
Version History:
Version 1.0: Initial Release
If you need more information or assistance, please contact Somfy Systems.
Somfy Systems, Inc.
121 Herrod Boulevard
Dayton, NJ 08810
Somfy POE Motor Shade IP Driver
This driver is for control of Somfy POE Motor compatible shade motors. The driver communicates with each motor connected to the local network over UDP, a physical gateway is not required for this solution.
A sample Integration Designer Apex project has been created to demonstrate general usage of this driver.
Note: This document is not a replacement for understanding the equipment being controlled and the documentation that is distributed with the equipment. Please read and understand all documentation before attempting to use this driver.
Revision History
v1.1.0: Initial Release
Connection Settings
The driver connects to one designated shade motor for authentication purposes over secure TCP. The IP address of any of the available shade motors on the network can be used. The secure TCP communication port is 55056. After successful authentication, the driver discovers and communicates with all shade motors on the network over UDP. All UDP communication is AES encrypted. The UDP communication port is 55055.
In addition to the IP address of the designated motor, the driver requires the 4-digit pin code for the same motor. The driver will not authenticate properly with an invalid pin. Pin codes can be found on the labels affixed to each physical shade motor or in the Somfy POE Motor configuration software.
Initialization Sequence
Once driver communication has been established and successful authentication completed, the driver will automatically discover all endpoints connected on the local network. The unique target ID of each discovered endpoint is compared to the target IDs for the added motor sources in the Apex program. A program motor source with a target ID that matches the target ID of a discovered endpoint will be linked together, allowing control of the physical endpoint through the program source. Target IDs of program motor sources must match the target IDs of physical shade motors for the driver to control the shades.
Similarly, the Group name of a program group source added to the program must match one of the discovered endpoint group names for the driver to control the shade group. Enable driver debug mode to see the group names of each shade motor. Group names for shades can also be found in the Somfy POE Motor configuration software.
Driver Configuration
Debug Settings
Only visible if "Show Driver Debug Options" has been set in TraceViewer.
Enable Debug Messages
Enables the driver debugging messages.
Debug Level
Determines which debug messages to show.
Prefix for debug messages to distinguish debug messages from this driver.
Network Settings
IP Address
The network IP Address of the designated POE Motor shade used for authentication. Any of the available shade motors connected on the local network can be used.
IP Port
The network IP Port for POE Motor driver communications over TCP. The port is 55056.
Motor Pin Code
The 4-digit pin code for the motor with the IP address specified in the IP address parameter. The pin code for a motor can be located on the manufacturer label affixed to the shade motor.
Device Configuration
Only visible if "Show Driver Debug Options" has been set in TraceViewer
Motor Device Count
The number shade motor sources added to the program. This number should match the number of known physical shade motors connected to the network. This value can be set initially by the integrator. The value will change automatically as shade motor sources are added to the program. The driver supports up to 32 motor sources.
Group Device Count
The number shade group sources added to the program. This value can be set initially by the integrator. The value will change automatically as shade motor sources are added to the program.
The driver supports up to 32 group sources.
Motor Device Settings
Motor Name [1-32]
Defines a friendly name for the shade motor device. This is only for reference in Integration Designer. The user interface will display the name of the physical shade motor based on the name specified in the Somfy POE Motor configuration software.
Motor TargetID [1-32]
Defines the target ID of the shade motor device this program source will control. The parameter must match target ID of a known shade motor device. Shade motor target IDs can be found in the Somfy POE Motor configuration software.
Group Device Settings
Group Name [1-32]
Defines a friendly name for the shade group device. This parameter must match a known group name as configured in the Somfy POE Motor configuration software.
Further Assistance
If you need more information or assistance, please contact Somfy Systems.
Somfy Systems, Inc.
121 Herrod Boulevard
Dayton, NJ 08810