Driver Details

Somfy ILT

Updated: March 18, 2011
Version: 1.01


This driver is for the Somfy ILT series motors and Somfy RS-485 to ILT interface connected to the XP processor via RS-232 with a RS-232 to RS-485 adapter.

Somfy ILT

This driver was designed and tested with a Somfy ILT Series Motor, a Somfy RS485 to ILT Interface, and a Sintech 485C RS232 to RS485 adapter.

Revision History

1.0 The original release of the driver.

1.01 Fix for random XP8 crashes.

RS-232 Connection

The Serial (RS-232) connection on the RS232 to RS485 adapter should be connected to the XP-8 serial adapter. Refer to the RS232 to RS485 adapter instructions for the pinout connection to the XP-8 and connectivity to the Somfy RS485 to ILT interface.

The baud rate of the Serial (RS-232) port is 4800.


Heartbeat Motor Slot

Motor slot address used for driver heartbeat - default is 1 but may be changed if motor 1 is not mapped. Note - If the motor assigned to the heartbeat is inoperable or malfunctioning the driver may go offline. If this is the case, assign a known working motor to the heartbeat.

Motor Polling Duration

Adjust the duration of time (in seconds) to poll motors when a Motor Set Position or Group Set Position is sent. Set the number higher if longer window treatments are used in the system. Default is 15 seconds.

Motor Address Mapping

Up to 250 motor address slots are available. Mapping of the motors requires the factory hard coded address of the motor (excluding spaces and special characters) be matched with the motor slot intended for use of this address. The hard coded addresses are in 3-byte hexadecimal format. Example motor map for mapping address CD 22 FF to motor 1 would be - Motor 1 | CD22FF

If a motor map is not required for a specific motor slot leave the slot blank.

Group Address Mapping

Up to 250 group address slots are available. When programming the ILT motor group addresses in the Somfy ILT2 configuration utility software use the following 3-byte hexadecimal format - 0000xx (xx = any address between 1 and 250 in hexadecimal, i.e. group 250 would be FA). Mapping of groups requires entering the mapped motor number into the group slot intended for use. Multiple motors are entered into a group by separating each motor number with a comma (,). Example group mapping for motors 1-6 to group 1 would be - Group 1 | 1,2,3,4,5,6

If a group map is not required for a specific group slot leave the slot blank.

Motor Commands and Variables

Motor Direction Up/Down - moves the selected motor in the respective direction as long as the button is held down. On release of the button the specific motor is stopped and polled for its position.

Motor Stop - stops the selected motor at its current position. This is useful if an absolute position has been called (i.e. 80%) and the user wants to stop the motor at the position when the stop button is pressed. A poll is sent to the selected motor when the stop command is issued.

Set Motor Position - sets the motor to a specific position between 0-100% open.

Group Commands and Variables

Group Direction Up/Down - moves the selected motors defined in a group in the respective direction as long as the button is held down. On release of the button the motors defined in the group are stopped and polled for their position.

Group Stop - stops the motors defined in a group at their current position. This is useful if an absolute position has been called (i.e. 80%) and the user wants to stop the group of motors at the position when the stop button is pressed. A poll is sent to the motors defined in the group for their position.

Set Group Position - sets the motors defined in a group to a specific position between 0-100% open.

- Note - polling of the system for motor positions is done on a first in first out basis to help prevent data collisions, therefore feedback may not be visible in real-time.