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This driver is for the Somfy Connect UAI Plus using Ethernet/TCP connectivity.
Version History:
Version 1.02 add serial (RS-232) control with adjustments to heartbeat command.
Somfy Connect UAI Plus
This driver is for the Somfy Connect Universal Automation Interface (UAI) Plus system.
Release History
1.0 Initial release of the driver
1.01 Added Serial/RS232 connectivity
1.02 Modified heartbeat command when using Serial/RS232 connectivity
Config Settings
Connection Settings
Network (TCP - Telnet) - Enter the IP address and TCP - Telnet Port configured for communicating to the Somfy Connect UAI Plus device. The default TCP - Telnet Port setting is 23. If TCP security is enabled, enter the TCP - Telnet Username and Password used for connecting to the Somfy Connect UAI Plus device.
Serial Port - Select the Serial Port in use on the XP processor and the Baud Rate used by the Somfy Connect UAI Plus device. The Baud Rate setting should be set according to the Somfy Connect UAI.
RTI XP RJ-45 to Somfy UAI RJ-45 Pinout
Gnd (Pin 4) <---> Gnd (Pin 7)
RX (Pin 5) <------- TX (Pin 6)
TX (Pin 6) --------> RX (Pin 3)
Motor and Group Configuration
Number of motors in system - Enter the number of motors connected to the Somfy Connect UAI Plus device via the Somfy Bus. Up to 250 motors are supported.
Number of groups in system - Enter the number of groups configured in the Somfy Connect UAI Plus device. Up to 50 groups are supported.
Motor (1-250)
Motor x - Name - Enter the name to use for the motor throughout ID/ID APEX and on the UIs.
Motor x - Node Address - Enter the Node Address used by the motor in the Somfy Connect UAI Plus device. Formatting is XXYYZZ. These addresses are determined by the Somfy system.
Motor x - Type - Select the type of motor used in the configuration. Choices are IRISMO (no feedback), and Sonesse Motor.
Motor x - Allow Preset Recalling - Select Yes to allow Preset Recalling and No to Disable Preset Recalling in the driver. Presets will need to be setup in the Somfy Connect UAI system for Preset Recalling to work.
Group (1-50)
Group x - Name - Enter the name to use for the group throughout ID/ID APEX and on the UIs.
Group x - Node Address - Enter the Group Address used by the motor in the Somfy Connect UAI Plus device. Formatting is XXYYZZ. Example for Group 3 would be 010103.
Group x - Allow Preset Recalling - Select Yes to allow Preset Recalling and No to Disable Preset Recalling in the driver. Presets will need to be setup in the Somfy Connect UAI system for Preset Recalling to work.
Driver Notes
- During the initialization process of the driver, the driver will collect the associated motors within a group. This allows for the feedback to update properly for the individual motors while being controlled from a group command.
- Group feedback is only attainable when a group is controlled and will not be acquired during the initialization process or updated if controlling individual motors that may reside within a group.
- There are two sets of variables and commands for the motor and group levels.
- The variables and functions for Level - Text/Integer (0 to 100) are intended as direct commands used by the Somfy Connect UAI protocol where a value of 0 means the motor is in its home position, and a value of 100 means the motor is fully deployed. These variables and functions should not be used with the standard set of Slider/Fader graphics because they would show as reversed.
- The variables and functions for Level - Slider/Fader (100 to 0) are intended for use with the standard set of Slider/Fader graphics. When a value of 0 is received from the Somfy Connect UAI Plus it is converted to a display value of 100 meaning a slider/fader would be displaying the graphic at its up position (shade is open). When the driver receives a value of 100, it would be converted to a value of 0 and the slider/fader would be in the down position (shade is closed).