Driver Details

Shabbat Utility

Updated: Nov. 15, 2024
Version: 1.12

This driver provides real-time events and variables related to Shabbat observance. It includes features like tracking candle lighting times, Havdalah timings, and other key moments, while integrating within the RTI ecosystem to automate actions such as adjusting lighting, activating scenes, or sending reminders based on the Shabbat schedule.


Release History:

Version 1.12 - Initial Release

RTI| Shabbat Utility | Version 1.11

Introduction & Manufacturer Profile

This driver supports integration with Shabbat.

Make sure you have clock set properly on your processor.

Version History

Version 1.11

Initial Release

Driver Features

This driver only has variables and events.

Only the next of each event type within the poll period is used.

System Requirements & Prerequisites

RTI System Requirements

Integration Designer: 10.4 or later.

XP FW: 22.3.31 or later.

Driver Configuration


Location Settings

Select the Location Type (City or Zip Code (US Only))

If using City, Select the Country and City.

If Using Zip Code, Enter the Zip Code.

Time Settings

Use Daylight Savings

Poll Period (Warning the longer the period, the more resources used)

One Month

Three Months

Six Months

Nine Months

One Year

Holiday Schedule Type

Before Sunset

Diaspora (18 Minutes)

Isreal (20 Minutes)

After Sunset

42 min - Three medium-sized stars

50 min - Three small stars

72 min - Rabbeinu Tam

1 min - Default

All other sections:

Select the options you wish to use.


Driver Status

Driver Connected Status

Country (If City is selected)

City (If City is selected)

Zip Code (If Zip Code is selected)



Shabbat Title (Hebrew)

Shabbat Start Date

Shabbat End Date

Shabbat Info

Shabbat Status

Torah Portion

Weekly Torah Portion

Weekly Torah Portion Hebrew

Candle Lighting

Light Candles

Candle Lighting Title

Candle Lighting Title (Hebrew)

Candle Lighting Date

Candle Lighting Time 24h

Candle Lighting Time AM/PM


Havdalah Title (Hebrew)

Havdalah Time 24h

Havdalah Time AM/PM

Havdalah Date

Major Holidays

Major Holiday Title

Major Holiday Title (Hebrew)

Major Holiday Start Date

Major Holiday End Date

Major Holiday Info

Minor Holidays

Minor Holiday Title

Minor Holiday Title (Hebrew)

Minor Holiday Start Date

Minor Holiday End Date

Minor Holiday Info

Modern Holidays

Modern Holiday Title

Modern Holiday Title (Hebrew)

Modern Holiday Start Date

Modern Holiday End Date

Modern Holiday Info


Fast Title

Fast Title (Hebrew)

Fast Start Date

Fast Start Time (24h)

Fast Start Time (AM/PM)

Fast End Date

Fast End Time (24h)

Fast End Time (AM/PM)

Rosh Chodesh

Rosh Chodesh Title

Rosh Chodesh Title Hebrew

Rosh Chodesh Start Date

Rosh Chodesh End Date

Rosh Chodesh Info


Candle Lighting

Candle Lighting


Event before Shabbat Starts

Shabbat Starts

Shabbat Ends

Event after Shabbat Ends



Rosh Chodesh

Event before Rosh Chodesh Starts

Rosh Chodesh Starts

Rosh Chodesh Ends

Event after Rosh Chodesh Ends

Major Holidays

Event before Major Holiday Starts

Major Holiday Starts

Major Holiday Ends

Event after Major Holiday Ends

Minor Holidays

Event before Minor Holiday Starts

Minor Holiday Starts

Minor Holiday Ends

Event after Minor Holiday Ends

Modern Holidays

Event before Modern Holiday Starts

Modern Holiday Starts

Modern Holiday Ends

Event after Modern Holiday Ends

Minor Fasts

Event before Fast Starts

Fast Starts

Fast Ends

Event after Fast Ends

Additional Information

Events will be triggered for each event with the options chosen in the Driver Configuration.

System Testing

Integration Designer: 11.10.1

XP Processor Model: XP-8v

XP Processor Firmware: 23.11.16

Device Model(s): AVR31

Support Contact

RTI Control

+ 1.952.253.3137