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- Video Projector
- Voice Control
This driver allows you to add user customizable schedules to your project
Version History:
Version 2.0: Initial Release
Schedule Manager | Version 1.0
Introduction & Manufacturer Profile
This driver allows you to add user customizable schedules to your project.
Version History
Version 1.0 - Date
Initial Release
System Requirements & Prerequisites
RTI System Requirements
Integration Designer: 10.4 or later.
XP FW: 22.3.31 or later.
Driver Configuration
Number of schedules - Select the number of Schedules you need in the system
Webserver Port - set the port that the webgui operates on, don’t change this unless you know what you are doing.
Schedule Names
Give each schedule a name.
Customization Strings - This is where you can edit the names given to feedback in the user interface to say what you want. For example, if you would prefer “End Time” to say “Finish Time” then you can change that here rather than having to edit the user interface.
Template Page Name:
Default: Schedule Manager
Driver Instructions
Programming the UI
If you are using Coral, the template page is completely programmed and ready to go.
If you are using your own interface, look at the Coral page, pay attention to the layers properties.
All the commands and variables are fully tagged.
Driver Events
Go to driver events and you will see all the schedules you have created.
Each schedule will have a Start and End event.
Simply click on each schedule event and in the macro editor below drag in the steps you want to happen when that event fires.
If you don’t want an end event for a schedule, then simply leave its macro blank.
Backing up the end users schedule data:
The driver gives you the ability to backup the end users Schedule data so that in the event of a processor failure or replacement the schedule data can be loaded back into persistent memory on the processor, saving the end user from having to setup the schedules again.
To create a backup, open a browser and in the URL field enter the IP address of the processor and port 9000 (or the port value set in the driver config)
i.e. <PROCESSOR IP>:9000
Pressing backup will cause your browser to prompt you to save a file with the name of “schedulemanager.bak”.
Once you have created the file put it somewhere safe for future use.
Pressing restore will prompt you to navigate to the location of “shcedulemanger.bak” and select that file.
Once this is done the end user’s schedule data will be restored to the XP processor.
Support Contact
RTI Control
+ 1.952.253.3137