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This driver is for controlling the RTI VIP-UHD-CTRL.
Please Note: This driver is an Auto-Config driver which can only be used with ID10+.
Version History:
Version 1.04 - Fixes slow variable updates. (Requires FW V2.03/2.1)
RTI | VIP-UHD-CTRL | IP | Version 1.04
Introduction & Manufacturer Profile
This driver is for controlling the RTI VIP-UHD-CTRL.
Version History
Version 1.0
Initial Release
Version 1.01
Fixed issue when incomplete JSON data never resolves
Version 1.02
Fixed issue with non-word characters in names
Version 1.04
Fixes slow variable updates. (Requires FW V2.03/2.1)
Driver Features
This driver is for controlling the RTI VIP-UHD-CTRL.
System Requirements & Prerequisites
RTI System Requirements
Integration Designer: 10.4 or later.
XP FW: 22.3.31 or later.
Driver Configuration
When you add the driver it will scan the network for the VIP-UHD-CTRL.
It will then import all the RX and TX units that have been added to the CTRL.
Driver Settings
Host/IP address – Enter the VIP-UHD-CTRL IP Address or hostname here.
Launch Configuration – Opens the VIP-UHD-CTRL webgui
Load/Rebuild Configuration – Pulls the configuration from the VIP-UHD-CTRL.
Device Configuration
The VIP-UHD-CTRL needs to be configured prior to adding the driver.
This driver uses the following non-standard tags. For default tags, reference the master tag list.
TX Tags
Tag NameF/VFunction UsageVariable Usage
Instance IDVThe name of the TX unit
PowerF/VToggles the units powerGoes true when power is on
Power OnF/VPowers on the unitGoes true when power is on
Power OffF/VPowers off the unitGoes true when power is off
NP CoverVDisplay an image of what is being transmitted by the unit
Audio SelectionFToggles the Audio mode
Audio Selection - AutoF/VSelects Auto Mode for AudioGoes True when Auto mode is selected
Audio Selection - HDMIF/VSelects HDMI AudioGoes True when this audio is selected
Audio Selection - AnalogF/VSelects Analog AudioGoes True when this audio is selected
RX Tags
Tag NameF/VFunction UsageVariable Usage
Instance IDVThe name of the TX unit
PowerF/VToggles the unit’s powerGoes true when power is on
Power OnF/VPowers on the unitGoes true when power is on
Power OffF/VPowers off the unitGoes true when power is off
ResolutionFCycles through the resolutions
Resolution BypassF/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 1080p 50F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 1080p 60F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 720p 60F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 720p 50F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 1280x1024F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 1024x768F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 1360x768F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 1440x900F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 1680x1050F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 2160p 30F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 2160p 24F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 1080i 50F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Resolution 1080i 60F/VSets the resolutionGoes True when the resolution is used
Stretch StateF/VToggles stretchDisplays the stretch state
Stretch OffF/VSets stretch onGoes True when stretch is on
Stretch OffF/VSets stretch offGoes True when stretch is off
VW ModeF/VToggles video wall modeDisplay the mode
VW Mode - MatrixF/VSets matrix modeGoes True when matrix is set
VW Mode - Video WallF/VSets video wall modeGoes True when video wall is set
NP CoverVDisplay an image of what is being received by the unit
Input IDVDisplays the input ID
InputF/VCycles the inputDisplays the input
Input: <TX_ID>Displays the input id number
System Testing
Integration Designer: 11.10
XP Processor Model: XP-8v
XP Processor Firmware: 24.3.29
Support Contact
RTI Control
+ 1.952.253.3137