Driver Details


Updated: Sept. 27, 2019
Version: 1.2


This driver controls the VHD-4x and VHD-8x HDBaseT switchers from RTI.

Please Note: The driver is not compatible with the original VHD matrix.

Version History:

Version 1.1 Adds the audio functions and variables for the VHU Series of switchers.

Version 1.2 Adds support for the Zektor version of this product. Re-assigns tagging sources so that outputs use VHU volume commands

RTI VHD/U-8x/4x

Powered by Pulse Eight

This driver works across all the x versions of RTI's VHD and VHU Video Matrix Switchers. It is not compatible with the original VHD family.

Driver History

V1.0: The initial release of the driver

V1.1: Adds the audio functions and variables for the VHU Series of switchers

V1.2: Adds support for the Zektor version of this product. Re-assigns tagging sources so that outputs use VHU volume commands


The device is controlled through IP only. You must enter the IP address of the device into the configuration.

I/O Configuration

The device uses dynamic configuration to change the commands and variables available in Integration Designer to match the current job. Enter the number of outputs, and their names, then do the same with the inputs, and the Library Browser in ID will change to match what you’ve entered.

The number of outputs also helps you when using the ‘selected’ output commands. When rotating through the outputs to choose which to send commands to, it will only rotate through the number of outputs in the configuration, not the number in the device. You can also select the device to send commands to from scrolling lists, either a list of the names entered into the configuration, or the actual names retrieved from the matrix itself.

Driver Commands

Routing: Input routing commands are sorted into groups for each output. You can individually drag each input command into a macro (or onto a button if you’re using a pre-APEX version of ID), or you can use the Global Routing command at the end of the routing command section repeatedly, changing the parameters each time you drag the command. Either way you choose, ID’s ‘Command Alias’ function allows you to edit both parameters when editing the command.

Audio Commands: Audio commands for volume and mute control are only supported in the VHU (and Palladia gX) series of switcher. They will not work on a VHD Switcher. VHD Switchers can send volume and mute commands through the CEC section of the driver. See the section on APEX below for information on how APEX will auto-program the volume commands.

CEC Commands: CEC commands available through the driver/matrix include power and volume commands, cursor control keys, and transport control. The commands can be sent to a specific input or output, they can be sent to a ‘selected’ output (see below), or they can be sent to whichever input is currently routed to a specific output (or selected output).

Selected Output Commands: Most commands that can be addressed to a specific output can also be directed to an output specifically selected for that panel or remote. This allows you to build a single page with routing and CEC commands, and then use the commands in the selected category to choose which output the panel will send its commands to. This selection is valid for this panel/remote only, so multiple panels in multiple rooms can each control their own ‘selected’ panel.

Outputs can be selected with discreet commands, by using up and down commands to rotate through the outputs, or by selecting the desired output from a scrolling list. The scrolling lists can either be the names of the outputs taken from the driver configuration, or the names derived from the matrix.


Variables are available for the state of all the I/O connections, as well as the routing to each output. The VHU/Palladia also show output volume and mute state.

Names variables are available for inputs and outputs in two different forms, using the name entered into the configuration, and using the name as discovered by the matrix. If the name of the device connected to an input or output changes, the driver will change the variables to match. The Config Name variable is actually an integer variable formatted to show an integer list that defaults to the names from the configuration but can be edited on a button by button basis to show any text desired. The driver also has boolean variables which can be used to show whether there is anything connected to an input or output as well as if that device is powered up. A couple of warnings: The power variable is not supported by all devices, which means it will stay false. In addition, some devices will sleep, causing the both the power and connected variable to go false.

Finally, all the outputs have variables that show which device is connected to that output, either by configuration name or the name from the matrix, as well as booleans for each individual input.

Driver Events

Events are triggered by the driver whenever an output changes its input connection. There is an event for the change of the output in general, plus an event for the input that is now connected, and one for the input which is no longer connected. There are events for the connected state and the power state of the output, both when they go true, and when they go false. Finally, there is a pair of events for the driver connecting or disconnecting to/from the matrix itself.

APEX Considerations/Sources

Users of APEX versions of Integration Designer will find two sources available when adding driver sources to rooms in their project. The first is the Output. This source will give the room access to the events effecting that output, automatically set the room parameter of any routing command dragged into a macro, and allow the driver to set the room macros to send VHU volume and mute commands by becoming the room audio source (Make sure to turn this off if it’s not what you want). The second is the ‘CECDevice’. This device will import a Simple Media Player’ page into the project and autoprogram CEC commands to use that output’s assigned input as a target. The CECDevice will also use the CEC Volume and Mute commands to create room variables

It is important to know that the Output and the CECDevice are, in fact, tied together by referencing the same output. If you’re going to use the CECDevice, it’s instance MUST BE the same instance as the output in that room. For example, if you put the third Output into the Kitchen, and then put the CECDevice in that room, you must put the third instance of the CECDevice in the Kitchen as well, even if you don’t plan on using the other two CECDevices.