- Recent Updates
- Access Control
- Amplifier
- A/V Receiver
- Climate and Pool Control
- Disc Player / Changer
- Display
- Irrigation / Sprinklers
- Lighting Control
- Matrix Switch
- Media Server and Player
- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
- Security
- Surveillance
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- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control
- Recent Updates
- Access Control
- Amplifier
- A/V Receiver
- Climate and Pool Control
- Disc Player / Changer
- Display
- Irrigation / Sprinklers
- Lighting Control
- Matrix Switch
- Media Server and Player
- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
- Security
- Surveillance
- Teleconferencing
- Training
- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control

This driver allows external trigger of XP processor system macros via RS-232. Baud rate is selectable at 1200, 2400, 4800 & 9600.
RS-232 System Macro Triggers
This driver provides RS-232 trigger of System Macros. Baud Rate is selectable at 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600. Parity: None, Data Bits: 8, Stop Bits: 1. To construct strings, use the word macro followed by a colon and the macro number you wish to trigger. Terminate the string with a carriage return. The XP-8 will respond with OK if it recognizes the message. You can also send the string "macro: ready?\r" to which the XP-8 will respond OK if the driver is running.
macro: 1\r
Trigger System Macro ID 1
macro: 25\r
Trigger System Macro ID 25
macro: 101\r
Trigger System Macro ID 101