Driver Details


Updated: Aug. 23, 2024
Version: 1.02


This driver is for controlling RTI's new AD Series DSP Matrix Amps.


  • AD-46-100
  • AD-810-100
  • AD-1616

The new AD Series DSP Matrix Amps enable seamless routing of both digital and analog sources to any desired zone and features a comprehensive set of DSP controls. This includes a 5-band parametric EQ, allowing integrators to fine-tune acoustic characteristics and tailor sound to specific spaces, plus mixing and auto-ducking features facilitate seamless integration of microphones and doorbells, effortlessly prioritizing audio sources and ensuring smooth transitions. Configuration and DSP functions can be customized directly within Integration Designer or with the intuitive web GUI.

Driver Features Include:

  • Bi-directional communication between Integration Designer and the AD unit. 
  • Online or Offline programming
  • Auto-Discovery of the units on the network
  • Zone and group commands, variables, and events

Version History:

Version 1.0 - Initial Release

Version 1.01 - Changes how volumes are handled. Zones volumes now changes to whatever mode the zone is in. Updated to work with FW version 20240701/added sample file

Version 1.02 - Fixed issue with source lists not populating. Added variable/event for Any Zone On. Added event for All Zones Off. Fixed issue with some events not triggering. Fixed issue with group volume up/down commands. Improved group synching between multiple devices.

[RTI] [AD DSP Matrix] [IP & RS232] Version [1.02]

Introduction & Manufacturer Profile

RTI AD DSP Matrix Devices.

Version History

06/28/2024 - Version 1.0

Initial Release

07/01/2024 – Version 1.01

Changes how volumes are handled. Zones volumes now changes to whatever mode the zone is in.

07/05/2024 – Version 1.02

Fixed issue with source lists not populating.

Added variable/event for Any Zone On.

Added event for All Zones Off.

Fixed issue with some events not triggering.

Fixed issue with group volume up/down commands.

Improved group synching between multiple devices.

Updated sample file.

System Requirements & Prerequisites

RTI System Requirements

Integration Designer: 11.9 or later.

XP FW: 22.3.31 or later.

Driver Information

The driver requires a minimum AD firmware version of - 20240701_v1.

This driver supports up to 8 devices or 64 regular zones in total.

It also supports either IP or RS232 control of the devices from the XP processor.

AD-1616’s are always listed first, followed by the AD-810-100’s, then the AD-46-100’s

Driver Configuration

The driver (RTI AD DSP Matrix) must be added to the Global Area.

Once added you will be faced with some initial configuration questions.

Do you want to start this driver in Online Mode?

Yes sets the driver to Online mode.

No sets the driver to Offline mode.

Online Mode Selected

A network scan for any AD Units will then be performed.

If no AD Units are found, the driver will automatically switch to Offline Mode.

If AD Units are found it will show you how many of each model were discovered.

Offline Mode Selected

No further initial configuration required.

Driver Info

Switch Between Online/Offline Mode.

Online – Sets the driver to Online Mode. (You need to have the AD Units on the same subnet as the computer running ID)

Offline – Sets the driver to Offline Mode, All configurations have to be made manually.

Online Mode

Enable/Disable Live Updates of all AD Units.

Live Updates Disabled – Stops ID from automatically updating names etc. to AD Units.

Live Updates Enabled – Enables Live updates of Names, Groups etc to the AD Units.

How many AD-1616’s are you using? – Tells ID how many AD-1616’s you are going to be using (Only gives you the option of the number of AD-1616’s that were discovered, if none were discovered this option will not show)

How many AD-810-100’s are you using? – Tells ID how many AD-810-100’s you are going to be using (Only gives you the option of the number of AD-810-100’s that were discovered, if none were discovered this option will not show)

How many AD-46-100’s are you using? – Tells ID how many AD-46-100’s you are going to be using (Only gives you the option of the number of AD-46-100’s that were discovered, if none were discovered this option will not show)

Device Info

Select Device – Select the device from the list of discovered devices

Name – Change the device name here (Updates the device if Disable Live Updates of all AD Units isn’t selected)

Username – Change the user name here (Doesn’t update the device)

Password – Change the password here (Doesn’t update the device)

IP Address – Change the device IP Address here (Doesn’t update the device)

Serial Number – Change the Serial Number of the device here (Doesn’t update the device)

Launch Web Gui – Launches the Web Gui for the device.

Select Communication Type – Select IP Control or RS232 Control

Select Serial Port – Select the XP serial port to use here (Only shows if RS232 control is selected)

Update this unit with all settings, names and groups from ID – If selected, this will send all names and groups to the unit. Warning! This will overwrite any names or groups you have set in the Web Gui, except for fixed groups.

Receive configuration from AD Unit – If selected, this will retrieve the Amp, Zone, Source and group information from the AD Unit.

Zone Info (All devices)

Zone {Number} – Change the zone name here. (Updates the device if Live Updates is enabled)

Sources Info (Main device only)

Source {Number} – Change the source name here. (Updates the device if Live Updates is enabled)

Discover AD Units

This will perform a scan of the network to find AD Units.

Offline Mode

How many AD-1616’s are you using? – Tells ID how many AD-1616’s you are going to be using (Maximum number you can choose is 4)

How many AD-810-100’s are you using? – Tells ID how many AD-810-100’s you are going to be using (Maximum number you can choose is 8, unless any AD-1616’s were chosen, then it will depend on how many have been chosen. If you exceed the number of supported device or zones you will get a notification)

How many AD-46-100’s are you using? – Tells ID how many AD-46-100’s you are going to be using (Maximum number you can choose is 8, unless any AD-1616’s or AD-810-100’s were chosen, then it will depend on how many have been chosen. If you exceed the number of supported device or zones you will get a notification)

Device Info

Name – Change the device name here.

Username – Change the user name here.

Password – Change the password here.

IP Address – Change the device IP Address here.

Serial Number – Change the Serial Number of the device here.

Select Communication Type – Select IP Control or RS232 Control

Select Serial Port – Select the XP serial port to use here (Only shows if RS232 control is selected)

Update this unit with all settings, names and groups from ID – If selected, this will send all names and groups to the unit. Warning! This will overwrite any names or groups you have set in the Web Gui, except for fixed groups. (Requires devices to be connected to the same network as the computer running ID)

Zone Info

Zone {Number} – Change the zone name here.

Sources Info (Main device only)

Source {Number} – Change the source name here.

Online and Offline Modes

Group Info

Number of groups to use – Select how many groups you want to use here (If you are in Online mode and have Live Updates enabled, this will remove any groups that are not Fixed Groups, and re-create them on all AD Units with the names from ID)

Group {number} – Change the group name here (If you are in Online mode and have Live Updates enabled, this will update the name of the group on all AD Units)

Template Page Names:

Default: Multizone System

Secondary: Zone Overview

System Testing

Integration Designer 11.8:

XP Processor Model: XP-8v

XP Processor Firmware: 24.3.29

Device Model(s): AD-1616, AD-810-100, AD-46-100

Support Contact

RTI Control

+ 1.952.253.3137