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- Recent Updates
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The driver was developed and tested with a Rotel RC-1590 using the v2.0 control protocol.
Please Note: This driver is RS-232 only.
Rotel RC with Control Protocol v2.0
The driver was developed and tested with a Rotel RC-1590 using the v2.0 control protocol.
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
Connection Type
RS-232 Connection
Serial Port - Select the serial port on the XP processor which is to be used for serial communications. The RJS-232 connector should be hooked up directly to the serial adapter provided with the RC-1570. A null modem is not needed.
Baud Rate - The baud rate of the RC-1570 is set to 115200 and cannot be changed.
Driver Notes
- In order for Treble, and Bass adjustment to go through to the device properly the Tone Bypass needs to be disabled.
- A RAW driver command has been included for use with any commands not included in the base driver.