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- Recent Updates
- Access Control
- Amplifier
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- Lighting Control
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- Media Server and Player
- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
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- Surveillance
- Teleconferencing
- Training
- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control

This driver is for the Radio Thermostat Company of America CT30/CT80 Wi-Fi Thermostats or the Filtrete 3M-50 Wi-Fi Thermostat.
Version History:
Version 1.1 adds auto save capability, standard time in scheduling, and separate heat and cool schedule queries.
Versions 1.1 also fixes the issue of the thermostat resetting the Set Point variables while performing an adjustment, and no longer relies on model numbers for thermostat features and capabilities.
Version 1.11 fixes issue where standard time schedule editing where the hour and AM/PM variables would not be properly displayed.
Radio Thermostat Company of America CT Series Wi-Fi Thermostats
This driver is for the Radio Thermostat Company of America CT30/CT80 Wi-Fi Thermostats or the Filtrete 3M-50 Wi-Fi Thermostat. This driver was written and tested with a CT30 and firmware version of 1.04.77.
Note - If driver connectivity to the thermostat fails, make sure the processor firmware is up to date.
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
1.1 Added Auto Save and Auto Save Duration adjustments in the driver configuration.
Added 15 second auto cancel to driver when adjusting SetPoints if Auto Save is disabled.
Added Auto Mode Available setting in the driver configuration for the CT80, 3M-50, and future models.
Added Fan Auto/Circulate Available setting in the driver configuration for the CT80, and future models.
Added Daily Event Count setting in the driver configuration for configuring the number of daily events allow by the thermostat.
Fixed issue when adjusting SetPoint so responses from the thermostat do not alter SetPoint adjustments until a save or auto save is executed.
Added Standard Time to complement Military Time for scheduling.
Add Heat and Cool Query Commands for obtaining most recent schedule information.
Updated Sample file.
1.11 Fixed issue with standard time schedule editing where the hour and AM/PM variables would not be properly displayed.
Adjusted TCP connectivity routine in code.
Updated sample file for fixes.
Config Settings
TCP Connection
The thermostat uses Wi-Fi to connect to the network.
TCP Address - The thermostat must be set up on the Wi-Fi network. Please refer to documentation supplied with the thermostat. The IP address can be statically assigned in the advanced settings during the setup process.
TCP Port - The default port used by the thermostat is port 80.
- Not all functions of the CT80 are available in version 1.11 of the driver.
- Initial variable feedback for Operation Mode, Fan Mode, and SetPoint adjustments is done via the driver. Actual variable updating is performed after the acknowledgement response from the thermostat is received.
- Variable updating for schedule information is only performed during driver initialization, after a Save Schedule Edit command has been sent, or with the Query Schedule command. All scheduling is done in Fahrenheit only.
- Celsius capability is provided for SetPoint and Current Temperature only, and is rounded to the nearest integer. Example - Current temp of 21.5 would show as 22.
- Either Auto Save needs to be enabled or a Save/Cancel command needs to be sent after SetPoint adjustments are made.
- When Auto Save is disabled, an automatic cancel command is sent 15 seconds after the last SetPoint adjustment is made if no save command is received.
Note - If driver connectivity to the thermostat fails, make sure the processor firmware is up to date.