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This driver is for PTZOptics Serial/TCP Cameras. It was tested on the PTZOptics PT12X 3G-SDI (Gen 2) Camera.
PTZ Optics Camera
This driver is for PTZ Optics Serial/TCP Cameras. It was tested on the PTZ Optics 12x 3G-SDI (Gen 2) Camera.
Release History
1.0 The original release of the driver
Config Settings
RS-232 Serial Port Settings
The RS-232 DB9 to DIN adapter supplied by PTZ Optics needs to be connected to the processors RS-232 port via the RJ45 to DB9 adapter supplied by RTI. A null modem is NOT needed.
The Baud Rate setting must match the Baud Rate of the PTZ Optics Camera, this is assigned with the DIP switch settings on the camera. The default baud rate setting in the driver is 9600, but may also be set to 38400.
TCP Settings
An ethernet connection using a standard Cat5e cable must be established for control and feedback to process this way.
Assign appropriate TCP information including: Address, Port, Username, and Password. It is recommended to assign a Static IP address to the camera if setting up to control in this manner.
Control and feedback options are limited when connection type is set to TCP, for full control and feedback options a RS-232 connection is required.
Driver Notes
- The driver does not use a heartbeat due to the nature of the responses from the camera. There are camera operational mode variables in the driver to determine whether the camera is operating or ready to be operated. The variable will change to operating when the camera recognizes the control command and is executing the command. When it is finished executing the command the variable will change to camera ready. The time between variable changes can vary depending on the command and what is to be executed by the camera. If the variable never changes to operating when sending driver commands, there is a communication issue between the camera and the processor.
- During driver initialization, a power query is sent to the camera. If the power state is not obtained there is a communication issue between the camera and processor. It takes approximately 3 seconds for “Power Off” status to update and approximately 30 seconds for “Power On” status to update. If a power off state is obtained, the only variable written will be the power state. If a power on state is obtained, the driver will then attempt to obtain the other system variables. Each time the camera switches power state from off to on the system variables will be obtained.
Power commands and events are only available when connection type is set to Serial.
- Shutter Level, Exposure Mode, and Exposure Level variables initialize only when the appropriate Auto Exposure Mode is selected or current.
- Operational speed for Pan, Tilt, Zoom, and Memory Recall commands are based off of the respective speed variables.
- Memory Recall, Reset, and Set commands can be executed via the Memory Multiplier Value, or directly by selecting the Memory Number in the driver command.
Memory setting vary between connection type settings. Any setting assigned when connection type is set to TCP will not be available if the connection type is changed to Serial.
- Feedback is acquired for Pan/Tilt/Zoom after a memory preset is recalled. The time it takes for the feedback to be acquired is determined by the current Pan/Tilt and Zoom speed settings. This process can take a while as slow speed settings can delay accurate feedback.