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This driver integrates with Pronestor's Pronestor Display software. It will display the current and upcoming meetings in a facilities conference rooms. It allows the ending time of the meetings to be altered, and new meetings to be initiated. It also creates events when meetings start and end as well as when a conference room is finished for the day.
Pronestor Display
Room Schedule Display and Editing
This driver integrates with the Pronestor Display (Pronestor.com) system for room schedule display. It will display the current meeting and the next meeting scheduled to take place. It will also allow you to end meetings early or change the meetings ending time to free up the resource (the room) when the meeting is actually done. In addition, unused rooms can be used and scheduled on the fly
Revision History
1.0 Original release of the driver
Setup Requirement (Configuration)
The driver gets its information about what’s happening in a room by emulating the role of a room display. Because of this there needs to be a room display for the room defined in the Pronestor configuration (http://yourHost/DisplayConfiguration.mvc/RoomDisplays). You also need to list the rooms you want the driver to know about in your driver configuration but you do not have to list every room in your system, only the ones listed in the configuration will show up in the drivers list of rooms.
Variables for the room itself include the name of the room as well as the Date and time of that room. Because the rooms can be in different time zones each room has its own set of time and date variables.
There are a set of variables describing the current state of the room: free or busy, upcoming meeting or not, or whether the room is done for the day. In addition you can display the time remaining in the current meeting, or how long the room is free.
There are variables providing a description for the current meeting in the room as well as the next meeting to take place there: The name of the meeting, when it’s scheduled to happen, how far into it we are, and who’s in charge of it.
The driver does not take the place of browser based scheduling in general but does supply a method to address unplanned changes in the use of a room. If a meeting ends early the driver has a command that can note that and mark the room as free. If the length of time the room is needed changes the meeting can be either lengthened or shortened. In addition, if a room is free it can be booked for a ‘Spontaneous meeting’ of a specified length (which can also be adjusted at the panel)
The events are the heart of this driver, a driver event for a room signals the start and end of every meeting, as well as a separate event signaling that a room’s last meeting of the day is finished.
‘Selected’ Room
In addition to having commands and variables for each room, a separate set of each exists for a room specifically selected to be controlled on a particular panel or remote. This allows the creation of a panel that works for more than one room without having to create a separate page for each of those rooms. Making a room ‘selected’ is an act that only applies to the specific panel that executes the command, every panel can display and control its own ‘selected’ panel. Because the room’s selected state only applies to that panel you cannot refer to a selected panel in a macro. Macros are executed on the processor and the processor won’t know which device was selected on any specific panel so it won’t be able to execute that command