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This driver supports projectors using the PJLink protocol over ethernet. It does not support the authorization option.
Version History:
Version 1.01: fixes a problem that caused connections to fail on start up.
PJLink Compatible Projectors
This driver supports ethernet control of projectors via version 1.04 of the PJLink protocol
Revision History
1.0 The original release of the driver
1.01 Fixes a connection issue, no change in functionality
PJLink is a generic projector protocol developed by the Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association, or JBMIA (I don't know where the S went). It supports a limited set of functionalities, covering most of what a projector driver needs to support without model specific functionality.
The driver has power on and off variables, as well as variables for warming up and cooling off states. Because it has these transition state the driver also includes variables for 'Not On', when the projector is either off OR changing to or from the off state, it should always be the opposite of on. It also supports a 'Not Off' state.
Inputs will be one of 5 types: RGB, Video, Digital, Storage, Network, and each of these types can have 8 actual inputs. Typically, you'll find that HDMI inputs are mapped to digital inputs so to set a projector to HDMI you would use Digital Input 1. There is no real requirement that they do it that way though so there may be some experimentation required on your projector to discover how the manufacturer has mapped physical inputs to the PJLink inputs.
You can also mute the audio or video in the driver. According to the PJLink spec, projectors that don't support these commands should respond with an level 2 error, so if the command doesn't work and you see the error message in the diagnostics, it probably means that the projector doesn't support the command.
The driver also creates a pair of variables to track projector hours. One is the actual number of hours on the projector (lamp), and the other is a Boolean variable that marks whether the projector hours value is higher than a value you can set in the configuration.
Finally, there is a variable called ‘Connected’ that will let you know when the driver is actually talking to the projector.
The projector has commands to turn the projector on and off, change inputs, and mute the audio or video output.
Events are triggered when the power state changes, when inputs change, when the lamp hours go over the limit set in the configuration, and on the muting or unmuting of audio or video