Driver Details

Marantz Receiver SR

Updated: Jan. 6, 2012
Version: 2.0


This driver is for older Marantz SR series receivers, model SR5005 and older.

Please Note: For new receivers use the Denon/Marantz Driver.

Marantz SR Series Receivers

2.0 is a completely different driver from earlier versions. The Update Drivers command will not work; the current driver must be deleted and the new driver added

The original release of this driver was designed and tested with Marantz RS-232C Control Specification: Rev 00, Document Version 0.01 dated 10/16/2007 and an SR8002.

Version 2.0 was designed/modified and tested with the Marantz RS-232C Command Chart dated 11/04/2010 and a SR5005.

Revision History

1.01 fixed the failure to accurately scale the sliders when Graph Data Sources were dragged onto them. Removed variable mismatch that could cause the serial port connection to fail

1.02 Correctly identifies metadata sources so the XM tuner and HD tuner have separate variables. Also corrects problems with zone 3 commands

2.0 Added SR5005 control/feedback capabilities. Converted source variable text to integer list for control device compatibility. Reorganized driver commands and variables.

Config Settings

RS-232 Serial Port Settings

The RS-232 connection on the Marantz Receiver should be connected directly to the processor serial adapter; a null modem is not required.

Device Model

Select the appropriate device being controlled. SR8002 and SR5005 are supported.