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***Requires Lutron Software 22.5 or newer***
Please Note: If updating from 2.01 or older, all LED state variables will need to be reprogrammed.
v2.0 - Updated Driver to support multiple sources with the same name, and support programing offsite after initial connection. Fixes an issue with Raise/Lower commands for lights not issuing stop after letting go of the button.
v2.02 - Updated LED state variables table
v2.03 - Added Fan Controllers to available load types to pull into Integration Designer
v2.1 - Added support for Lutron Athena, OpenCloseStop type zones(Motors), Changed authentication method for setup of driver to use same methods as used for connection from processor(See below for instructions on changes)
v2.2 - Added support for CCO type controllers. Adjusted the behaviour of Stop Timer Interval to improve raise/lower functionality.
v2.22 - Fixed an issue where Fan controllers were no longer loading properly. Fixed an issue where the addition of certain products to the Lutron Designer file would cause the driver to crash during connection with Integration Designer.
v2.23 - Fixed an issue where Phantom Keypads were not importing properly after the 2.22 update.
v2.3 - Added support for HVAC zones, and myRoom XC
v2.4 - Added support for Lumaris light strips, and RPS Ceiling Occupancy Sensors and RPS Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensors
Lutron LEAP for RA3, QSX, myRoom XC, and Athena
This Auto-Config driver is designed for Integration Designer 10 and newer.
Version 11.2 or higher is required
This driver is designed to use Lutron's LEAP protocol and tested with a Lutron HQP7-2 processor and a Radio RA3 processor. This driver is only intended for use with RA3, QSX, and Athena; but not Caseta.
Please Note: To use v2.0 in a system which has been using v1.x you will need to delete the Lutron Driver and start from scratch.
*** Note: REQUIRES Lutron Software 23.8 or Newer***
Revision History
2.0 Updated Driver to support multiple sources with the same name, and support programing offsite after initial connection. Fixes an issue with Raise/Lower commands for lights not issuing stop after letting go of the button.
2.01 Updated script to remove error that occured when driver had not been connected to a Lutron Processor.
2.02 Updated system variable table for LED status. Fixed some issues with feedback not being returned properly.
2.1 Added support for Lutron Athena, OpenCloseStop type zones(Motors),Changed authentication method for setup of driver to use same methods as used for connection from processor(See below for instructions on changes)
2.2 Added support for CCO type controllers. Adjusted the behaviour of Stop Timer Interval to improve raise/lower functionality.
2.21 Fixed an issue where fan control no longer was working in some scenarios
2.22 Fixed an issue where the addition of certain products to the Lutron Designer file would cause the driver to crash during connection with Integration Designer.
2.23 Fixed an issue where Phantom Keypads were not importing properly after the 2.22 update.
2.24 Updated Instructions
2.3 Added support for HVAC zones, and myRoom XC
2.4 Added support for Lumaris light strips, and RPS Ceiling Occupancy Sensors & RPS Wall Mounted Occupancy Sensors
** When updating from 2.01 or older to 2.02 or newer any LED variable status will need to be reprogrammed **
Adding the Driver
The driver is added via the Drivers tab in the Add Workspace Item dialog. The driver is named 'Lutron LEAP' and initially offers only the processor as a source to add to the system. It does not matter what room the processor is added to.
Once the processor is added you must add the IP Address in the Driver Properties.
Please note, with myRoom XC it is intended that you utilize 1 copy of the driver for each room in the solution. If there is multiple processor in a single room due to the number of loads, you should still only use 1 of them, with 1 copy of the driver. If for some reason you need to connect to the 2nd processor, a 2nd copy of the driver would be required.
Adding the remaining sources
While the Lutron Leap driver is selected, three additional buttons will be in the Driver Configuration. One will be labelled 'Connect to Lutron Processor', 'Driver Sync', and 'Reset Authentication'. Once the connection information has been entered, the 'Connect to Lutron Processor' button must be used to connect the driver to the processor and collect the current system stored there. ID will prompt you through the pairing process which is the same as the process to pair once the file is pushed to the processor. Once that has been done ID will know the configuration of the Lutron processor and will make those devices available to the driver. Any time that the Lutron project is changed via Lutron Designer, this button should be used to update the copy of the project that ID is using. The Driver Sync button runs the routines that are called as new sources are added to the project. You should not need to use this button but occasionally ID may not refresh the listed commands or variables. In this case pressing this button causes those routines to be run again.
Returning to the Drivers tab of the Add Workspace Item, the driver should now be listed under the 'Add To Existing Driver', and should contain each of the “Areas” you have defined in your Homeworks file. Expanding these sections will show the devices that are currently programmed into the Lutron System. These devices will be removed from this list as they are added to rooms. As you add sources to the workspace functions, variables, and events for the sources will show up within Integration Designer.
Connecting the Lutron Processor to your RTI Processor
~~~~~~~~~~~ After pushing your Integration Designer file to the RTI processor, it will establish an initial connection to the Lutron system, after this connection is established a System Variable for "Pairing Required" will flag true as well as a statement will print to the system log to push the button on the Lutron bridge, this will give RTI access to negotiate authorization with the bridge. This will only need to be done the first time you connect your RTI processor to the Lutron Bridge, subsequent connections should work from memory, if they do not there is a function "Erase Pairing Info" to call from a RTI panel which will reset the system to no longer hold onto the needed authorization information. After calling this function you will need to reset the RTI processor to reestablish the connection to Lutron and start over in the pairing process.
With HVAC you add each HVAC "Remote Zone" to control via RTI. You then have control over the entire zone, including Setpoint, Fan, and Operating Modes. Note there is an issue if the ONLY thing you have in the system is a single HVAC zone, please add some other zone(light, shade, HVAC) as well for the driver to load properly inside Integration Designer, this should not happen often as it is not common for a Lutron installation to have only the single HVAC zone and nothing else to control.
When using HVAC with myRoom there is likely some extra fan and operating modes that will not be valid states for the thermostat at the time of writing the only supported modes for fans are "Off", "Low", "Medium", "High", and for Operating Modes the supported modes are "Auto" and "Off". The other states exist for use with QSX systems which could have any combination of operating modes, and fan modes depending on what HVAC system you are integrating with. The best way to know what is supported is looking in the Lutron app at the list of modes available to be set via that control.
Integration Designer will build the commands for devices as they are added to the system:
Dimming Loads: Lighting Loads have commands to set their level from 1-100, as well as turn them off, on, and toggle them. They do not remember their former level and will toggle between off and full brightness.
Switched Loads: Switched Loads have the same commands, without the Raise, Lower, and Stop. Sending a command to set the level will turn the light on if the level is greater than 0, and off if the level IS 0.
SpectrumTune (Ketra): These have the same commands again, but add commands to set the Hue, Saturation, Vibrancy, and White Tuning. These commands are only available for lights that support them.
WARNING: There is a bug in the Lutron system. If you set the saturation to 0, the hue may change. The slliders are set in the driver to only allow and adjustment from 1-100.
Shade Groups & Motors:
Shades can be sent to a specific level (1-100). They also have a raise and lower command that will continue until the stop command is sent, or the shade reaches the top or bottom of its travel. Stop is also important to getting correct feedback of the shade. The raise/lower commands are not reliable for feedback, using Set Point commands is recommended for Shade control. If a shade group includes the ability to tilt, the command to set the tilt will be included.
Control Stations:
The Control Stations will have commands to emulate the pressing of their buttons. The commands will appear in ID with both their button number and the engraving text that was entered in Homeworks to help identify them. The commands will default to Press and Release, but Press and Hold, Release, and Multitap are also available. These must be programmed correctly in Homeworks to work correctly
When using control stations, it is important to ensure that either the station, or button name is unique. If there are multiple stations named the same thing with buttons also named the same thing, the driver will give unexpected results.
Integration Designer will also build the variables for the devices:
Note: When using Raise and Lower commands on Lights and Shades, the level will not be updated until the stop command is received. Even if the device reaches a top of bottom limit.
Dimming Loads: Most loads will have a Name, a Level, and a State. The state will be true, or on, for any value greater than 0.
Switched Loads: Have the same variables and will show a level of 100 whenever they are turned on.
SpectrumTune (Ketra): These have level variables for Hue, Saturation, Vibrancy, and White Tuning. The Hue and Saturation levels will adjust for any change in White Tuning, but the Tuning Level does not adjust for changes in Hue or Saturation.
Shade Groups & Motors:
Shades have a Name variable and can show their current level. They have a variable for when they are closed and two ‘Open’ variables: One any time they are not at bottom (0), and another for when they are at the top (100). These two variables also have different tags, as shown below. Tiltable shades will also include a Tilt variable.
Control Stations:
The Control Stations themselves only have a Name variable. Each button on the station will have a name of its own, which is automatically filled from the Engraving Text entered in to Homeworks. It will also have an LED state variable if the button has an LED associated with it.
Overall variables also exist for the connection state of the driver
Integration Designer will also build the events for the devices:
All lights have events when they turn on and off
Shade Groups & Motors:
Shades have a slightly more complicated set of events to help you know roughly where they are in their travel. They have events for when the hit the top and bottom of their travel, and events for when they leave those positions. As an example, if a shade is at the bottom and is sent to level 50, it will trigger the ‘Not fully closed’ event, but NOT the Open event. If it subsequently does move to the top, the event Open event will be triggered. When it leaves the fully open position, the matching event will be triggered, with the Closed Event being triggered only when the shade is completely closed.
It is probable that the Closed, and Not Fully Closed events will be the most used. One thing to be careful of is that the Lutron system sends differing status messages to the driver, depending on how the shades are operated. If a Control Station button is programmed with a Raise command, the system will immediately send the driver a status message that says that the shade is fully open. Only when you stop the travel will the number be updated again. The same thing happens with a Lower command sending a fully closed status. If you use the Raise and Lower commands in the driver however, the Lutron system never sends any updates, and no events will be triggered, until an actual Stop command is received.
Control Stations:
The Control Stations will trigger events when any button is pressed, or when the status of any LED changes.
Instance ID: The name of the light
Light Level: Sliders and direct set commands
Light: Toggles light and shows on/off state (for button control)
Light On: Discrete on command and light state
Light Off: Discrete off command
Light Up: Fades the light up
Light Down: Fades the light down
Light Stop: Stops the fading (In this driver, the level and state variables are not updated while the light is fading, only when the fading is stopped)
Light Hue Level: Sets the Hue of the Ketra lights, and displays the Hue Level
Light Saturation Level: Set and displays Saturation
Light Temperature: Sets the Color Temperature of the lights (Changing Color Temp will update Hue and Saturation, but changing Hue or Saturation DOES NOT update Color Temp)
Instance ID: The name of the fan
Fan Level: Slider control and status
Fan: shows on/off state
Light Off: Discrete Fan Speed command and boolean speed indicator
Light Low: Discrete Fan Speed command and boolean speed indicator
Light Medium: Discrete Fan Speed command and boolean speed indicator
Light Medium High: Discrete Fan Speed command and boolean speed indicator
Light High: Discrete Fan Speed command and boolean speed indicator
Shades & Motors:
Instance ID: The name of the shade
Shade Level: Sliders and Direct set
Shade Up: Starts the shade op (Does not update variable)
Shade Down: Starts the shade down (Does not update the variable)
Shade Stop: Stops the shade
Shade Tilt: Sets (and displays) Tilt level for tiltable shades
Control Stations:
Instance ID: The name of the Control Station
Button Name x: Name of Button 1 (Will show the engraved text as programmed in Homeworks)
Button x: Press and Release Button x, Shows the LED state of Button x
Medium High
Shades & Motors:
Open: Triggers when shade hits 100%
Not Open: Triggers when Shade is no longer at 100%
Closed: Triggers when shade hits 0 (Completely closed)
Not Closed: Triggers when shade is no longer at 0
Control Stations:
The event you receive is dependent on the programming of the button in Homeworks
Button Press
Button Release
Button Multitap
Button LongHold