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This driver is for the Lutron GrafikEye central lighting control system, using the GRX-CI-RS232 interface module.
Lutron GrafikEye
This driver is for the Lutron GrafikEye central lighting control system using the RS232 interrface module. The driver was testing using the GRX-CI-RS232 and GRX-IA-232 interface modules but should also work when using the GRX-RS232 and GRX-IA-232 modules.
RS-232 Connection
The RS-232 connection on the Lutron interface should be connected directly to the XP-8 serial adapter; a null modem is not required.
Control Unit Addresses
Use this config item to specify the list of control units the driver will be communicating with. The list should be the unit addresses separated by commas. You can also use the keyword 'ALL'.
Control Unit Addresses: "1" - Using just unit at address 1.
Control Unit Addresses: "1,2" - Using just units at addresses 1 & 2.
Control Unit Addresses: "1,5,8" - Using just units at addresses 1, 5 & 8.
Control Unit Addresses: "ALL" - Using all 8 units.
Zone Sliders
To use a graphic slider for adjusting the level of a particular zone, use the Zones-Set Level (Slider) command.
Zone Fade To Level
To set the level of a particular zone and have it fade to that level, use the Zones-Set Level (Button) command.
Shade Zones
To set the action for a zone that is configured as a shade controller zone, use the Zones-Set Level (Shade) command.
Zone Raise / Lower Commands
To raise or lower a particular zone, use the Zones-Level Up and Zones-Level Down commands. These commands are only supported on the 3500/4500 devices using the GRX-CI-RS232 or GRX-IA-CI-RS232 interface modules. To raise and lower zones using the 3100/4100 devices or when using the GRX-RS232 or GRX-IA-232 interface modules, use the traditional ramping commands detailed in the next section.
Ramping Commands
This driver supports the traditional ramp start/stop commands for adjusting zone levels. If you are using more recent GrafikEye devices and interface modules, you will find the 'Level Up/Down' commands easier to use (see previous section). The ramping commands are supported on all GrafikEye models.