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- Recent Updates
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- Voice Control

This driver is for the LiteTouch 5000LC central lighting control system, connected via RS-232 or Ethernet.
Version History:
Version 1.1 fixes an initialization problem when using an RS-232 connection.
LiteTouch, Inc. 5000LC
This driver is for the LiteTouch, Inc. 5000LC central lighting control system.
Revision History
1.0 Initial release of the driver
1.1 Fixed RS232 Initialization Bug
Config Settings
TCP Connection
The Ethernet connection on the LiteTouch 5000LC should be connected to the Network.
The factory default IP Address of the LiteTouch 5000LC Ethernet/serial enabled CPU card is using port 10001.
- Note - When using the TCP connection for the driver, the 5000LC Ethernet port will not be available for 5000LC program updating using LiteWare.
If needing to update the 5000LC program via Ethernet use the "Close TCP/IP" command in Driver Commands to release the driver from port 10001.
Once the 5000LC is updated use the "Open TCP/IP" to restart the driver and the driver initialization will begin.
RS-232 Serial Port Settings
The RS-232 connection on the LiteTouch 5000LC interface should be connected directly to the XP-8 serial adapter; a null modem is not required.
The default baud rate of the LiteTouch 5000LC interface is 9600, but can be set to 19200 or 38400.
Driver Notes
- Station Switch Commands, Station LED Commands, and Set Module Output Level are implemented.
- 256 physical station addresses and 50 phantom station addresses are implemented, all with 9 switch/LED capability.
- 256 module addresses are implemented, all with 8 output capability.
- 256 driver events are implemented for tracking timer on/off states.
- Driver events for all station LED and module output on/off states are implemented.
- Connection State and Initialization State variables are implemented for diagnostic purposes.
- Close TCP/IP, Open TCP/IP, and Reset TCP/IP commands have been implemented for 5000LC Ethernet program updating and Ethernet interface troubleshooting.