Driver Details

Jandy iAquaLink

Updated: Aug. 14, 2023
Version: 1.23


Jandy Pool Products iAquaLink, IP control.

Version History:

Version 1.0: Initial Release.

Version 1.1: includes fixes for updated Jandy API requirements.

Version 1.2: fixes heater state variables to include on and heating as "On" state.

Version 1.21: added error checking to JSON parse

Version 1.22: fixes ability to use special characters in password (excluding & > < )

Version 1.23: fixes an issue with the build process preventing proper communication

Jandy Pool Products iAquaLink

Version 1.0 Initial Release

1.1 - Fixes for updated Jandy API requirements.

1.2 - Fixes Heater State Variables to include On and Heating as "On" state

1.21 - Added error checking to JSON parse

1.22 - Fixes ability to use special characters in password (excluding & > < )

1.23 - Fixes an issue with the build process preventing proper communication

**You will need to set up a Jandy iAquaLink account**


Email: Enter the email address associated with the Jandy account

Password: Enter the password associated with the Jandy account

Serial Number: The serial number of the device

System Messages: The amount of time you would like system messages to persist for. New messages will overwrite older ones regardless.

Maximum Aux Relay: Used to limit the view of unused Auxiliary devices in Integration Designer. Pick the highest number of used devices.

Aux Types: Set the type of the Auxiliary Device. For ease of programming only devices matching the Driver Command associated with the type will display

Example: Aux1 type Dimmer, will only be available in the Dimmer Command drop down list

Included Variables:

• System Message for errors

• Air Temperature

• Temperature Scale to show if the System is configured in Celsius or Fahrenheit.

• Pool & Spa variables for Setpoint, Temperature, Pump Status, and Heater Status.

• OneTouch 1 thru 6 variables for Status, State, and Label.

• Auxiliary Variables for Status, State and Label.

• Connection Status Variables

Driver Commands

• Pool & Spa commands to turn on/off pumps and heaters, as well as control the set temperature

• OneTouch Commands to toggle the configured OneTouch Toggles

• Solar Heat Control

• Saltwater boost

• Auxiliary commands to control various types of other devices. (ex. Lights)


• If using the device in Pool Only mode BOTH set point's will control the same temperature(Temp 1)