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- Recent Updates
- Access Control
- Amplifier
- A/V Receiver
- Climate and Pool Control
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- Irrigation / Sprinklers
- Lighting Control
- Matrix Switch
- Media Server and Player
- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
- Security
- Surveillance
- Teleconferencing
- Training
- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control

This driver supports pool and spa control for the RS series of controllers from Jandy using the AquaLink RS serial adapter.
Version History:
Version 1.1 improves feedback updates.
Jandy Pool Products AquaLink RS Serial Adapter
Provides RS-232 control utilizing the Jandy AquaLink RS Serial Adapter. A null modem is not required. Install the isolator that is included with the Serial Adapter.
General Settings
Serial Port: Choose the serial port that the RS Serial Adapter is connected to. The default baud rate for the Serial Adapter is 9600.
Air Temp
Pool Setpoint
Pool Temp
Spa Setpoint
Spa Temp
Pool Heat (On/Off)
Pool Pump (On/Off)
Spa Heat (On/Off)
Spa Mode (On/Off)
Aux1 – Aux7 (On/Off)
Extra Aux (On/Off)
Aux3 – Aux7 Dimmer Level
Solar Heat (On/Off)
Solar Temp
Driver Commands
Aux1 – Aux7 and Extra Aux On/Off/Toggle
Pool Pump On/Off/Toggle
Pool Heater On/Off/Toggle
Pool Setpoint Up/Down
Spa On/Off/Toggle
Spa Heater On/Off/Toggle
Spa Setpoint Up/Down
Aux3 – Aux7 Dim Up/Down
Solar Heater On/Off/Toggle
Requires AquaLink Power Center firmware version "I" or above and RS Serial Adapter fimware version "C01".
Check the solar heater option box if a solar temp sensor is installed. This enables the driver to poll for the solar heater water temperature.
Pool Temperature is only available when the pool pump is on. There is a delay between the turn on of the pump and availability of temperature reading.
Spa Temperature is only available when the spa mode is on. There is a delay between the turn on of spa mode and availability of temperature reading.
Aux outputs that have been assigned to dimmers can be controlled. Level can only be changed when the output is on. Level adjustment is in 25% steps.
Filter pump low speed, pool cleaner, pool heater #2 and spa spillover (waterfall) are not supported in version 1.0.