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This driver is for the Honeywell VISTA128BPT Security Panel using RS232.
Version History:
Version 1.01: fixes an issue acquiring zone descriptors from the panel.
Version 1.02: fixes an issue where perimeter alarm notifications wouldn"t trigger the alarm event.
Version 1.11: Maintenance update.
Honeywell VISTA 128BPT Security Panel
This driver is for the Honeywell VISTA 128 BPT Security Panel.
- NOTE - Serial Programming Options for Automations section in the VISTA128BPT Programming Guide/Addendum must be set up appropriately.
Revision History
1.0 Initial Release of the Driver.
1.01 Fixed issue with acquiring zone descriptors from the Honeywell system.
1.02 Fixed issue where perimeter alarm notifications wouldn't trigger the alarm event.
1.03 Adjusted code for error that may occur when writing information to specified partition event lists.
1.1 Adjusted partition codes in configuration so codes with leading zeros will work.
1.11 Maintenance Update
RS-232 Connection
The baud rate can be set to either 1200 or 9600.
The VISTA 128 BPT TB4 terminal connection should be connected to the RTI system using the following pin configuration.
Honeywell <------------------> RTI
TXD <----------------------------> Pin 2
RXD <----------------------------> Pin 3
GND <---------------------------> Pin 5
Driver Configuration
Number of Partitions Used - Enter the number of partitions (1-8) in use on the security system. This setting is for the keypad display polling loop. The polling loop increments on each poll and wraps around back to partition 1 after the highest partition has been polled. The polls occur 5 seconds apart.
Alarm Codes - Enter an arming/disarming code for each partition for use with the Quick Arming driver commands. It is recommended that a separate user code be set up for the control system in each partition. This way, the non-control system user codes can be changed without having to reconfigure the driver. Also, if the system is armed or disarmed by the control system, it can be separately traced back to the control system, and not necessarily a user.
Automated Exit Timers and Entry Notifications - Enable if Exit Timers and Entry Notifications are preferred to be triggered from the driver directly.
Automated Exit Delay - Enter the amount of time in seconds programmed for the exit delay in each partition. Used for the Exit Timers and only available if the Automated Exit Timers and Entry Notifications configuration is enabled.
Automated Output Entry Notification Trigger - Enter the output assigned to trigger the entry notification. Example: Enter a 1 in the Partition 1 Entry Trigger slot if Relay 1 on a 4204 Relay Module is set up to active when Partition 1 goes into a "Start of Entry Time" and deactivate when a "Disarming" of Partition 1 occurs. For more information on output programming see the "Output Devices Programming" section in the VISTA128BPT programming guide. Used for the Entry Notifications and only available if the Automated Exit Timers and Entry Notifications configuration is enabled.
- NOTE - Serial Programming Options for Automations section in the VISTA128BPT Programming Guide/Addendum must be set up appropriately.
Driver Notes
- Up to 8 partitions can be controlled independently.
- 9 alarm event lists have been implemented. One is a master event list which includes status from all partitions; the other 8 are individual partition lists for each of the 8 partitions.
- Quick Arming Driver Commands implemented are Away, Home (Stay), Instant, Max, Disarm, Force Away, and Force Home (Stay).
- The "Clear Zone Fault Notification" driver command clears the variable in the driver for the respective zone if it is not automatically clear by the VISTA128BPT panel. This command does NOT clear the fault on the VISTA128BPT itself, therefore the fault must be reset or cleared by the faulted device or panel.
- Keypad Display variables have a built-in self correction mechanism coded in the driver for the more common keypad display errors where the VISTA128BPT panel sends unknown characters to the driver. If the keypad display message is not covered in the automated mechanism, the unknown characters are dropped from the Keypad Display variable.
- In Automated Exit Timers and Entry Notifications mode the exit timer is activated by a response from the VISTA 128BPT panel. This method is used for compatibility while arming the system from a Honeywell keypad as opposed to arming with a driver command. The time in which the response is received can vary. A built in offset is established in the driver, but an accurate timer countdown is not guaranteed. For a more accurate timing mechanism when using this mode, make sure the "Exit Delay Reset" field in the VISTA128BPT programming is set to 0.
- Keypad beeping events for entry are available if a physical keypad is installed for the respective partition or an output module such as the 4204 Relay Module has a relay assigned to trigger when the "Start of Entry Time" operation is executed. Entry keypad beeping is stopped if the partition is disarmed (when using the keypad method), or the respective output/relay state is changed to off (when using the output/relay method).
- Keypad beeping events for alarms are triggered when the respective partition goes into entry/exit alarm, fire alarm, smoke alarm, waterflow alarm, or duress alarm modes.
- Manual Exit Timer and Manual Entry Notification commands are provided for manual timer or notification triggering in the respective partition. Recommended use would be if Automated Exit Timers and Entry Notifications configuration is NOT enabled and the timer or notification is to be activated by contact closures, in macros, or by monitoring output state variables manually.
- RAW driver commands are for use with functions not included with the driver or future features when added. There are two types of RAW driver commands, one with the checksum calculated in the driver, and one without.
- NOTE - Serial Programming Options for Automations section in the VISTA128BPT Programming Guide/Addendum must be set up appropriately.