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This driver is for the Honeywell VISTA Security Panels using the 4232CBM serial interface.
Please Note: This driver only supports Partition 1 of the Vista Security Panel through the 4232CBM interface.
Version History:
Version 1.01: Adds Enable Advanced CAL Functionality configuration.
Version 1.02: Maintenance update.
Version 1.03: fixes extended function keypress issue.
Honeywell VISTA via 4232CBM
This driver is for the Honeywell VISTA Security Panels using the 4232CBM serial interface.
This driver only supports Partition 1 of the Vista Security Panel through the 4232CBM interface.
This driver has been tested with Vista128BPT and Vista20P panels.
Revision History
1.0 Initial Release of the Driver.
1.01 Added Enable Advanced CAL Functionality configuration.
1.02 Maintenance update.
1.03 Fixed extended function keypress issue.
RS-232 Connection
The baud rate used by the 4232CBM interface is 115200.
Driver Configuration
Virtual Keypad Address - Enter the address assigned to the virtual keypad in the setup of the 4232CBM interface.
Enable Advanced CAL Functionality - Enable if the system has issues with sending a Zone 99 Alarm to the monitoring company. The Enable Advanced CAL Functionality should enabled when using the 4232CBM module with a Vista20P panel, but may also be required with other models.
Quick Bypass Settings - Select the number of digits required to bypass a zone. The selections are 2 Digits or 3 Digits.
Partition Names - Enter the name to be used for the partition. This name will be used throughout the driver for User Interface purposes only.
Partition Quick Codes - Enter the code used for arming/disarming/bypassing. This field should have a numerical value whether quick commands are to be used or not. Failure to have the correct code entered in this field will prevent the Quick commands in the driver from working.
Number of Zones used - Enter the number of zones used in the system. This number will likely be the last zone available on the system.
Zone Names - Enter the name to be used for the specified zone throughout the driver. The names will be used throughout the driver for User Interface purposes only.
Driver Notes
- VISTA 15P/15PSIA/20P/20PSIA panels must have firmware version 9.1 or higher.
- VISTA 21iP/21iPSIA panels must have firmware version 3.13 or higher.
- VISTA 128BPT/128BPTSIA panels are supported with all firmware versions.
- This driver does not acquire zone, partition, or LED states upon initialization. It will however default all zones to ready and partition 1 to disarmed. Once the driver receives a partition/zone status message (for zone and partition status) and/or the keypad data is received (for keypad display and LED status) the variables will be updated appropriately.
- All keypad commands are added to a command stack and are executed with a human interaction delay of 300 milliseconds. This helps prevent missed commands when the quick commands are used or when multiple keypress commands are used within macros. It is recommended that macros be designed as not to add too many commands to the command stack. In providing the human interaction delay, large macros may take some time to execute which was especially noticed when bypassing multiple zones.
- In the testing process it appeared that the VISTA security panel would actually get bogged down when many zones were bypassed due to the panel attempting to update the keypad display for each zone bypassed. It is therefore recommended that bypassing zones only be used when explicitly necessary.