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- Access Control
- Amplifier
- A/V Receiver
- Climate and Pool Control
- Disc Player / Changer
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- Irrigation / Sprinklers
- Lighting Control
- Matrix Switch
- Media Server and Player
- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
- Security
- Surveillance
- Teleconferencing
- Training
- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control

This driver is for the Hayward OmniLogic pool/spa automation system. It provides feedback and control through the cloud services provided by Hayward for a single OmniLogic Backyard System ID. Active internet access is necessary for this driver to function.
Please Note: It has been found that the firmware in the Hayward OmniLogic controller may need to be version 3.1 for the driver to initialize properly.
Hayward OmniLogic
This driver provides feedback and control through the cloud services provided by Hayward for a single OmniLogic Backyard System ID. Active internet access IS necessary for the driver to function as there is no local API to control the Hayward OmniLogic platform.
Revision History
1.0 Initial release of the driver
Driver Configuration
Account Settings
User Name - Enter the user name to access the Hayward OmniLogic cloud servers.
Password - Enter the password to access the Hayward OmniLogic cloud servers.
Backyard System ID - Enter the MSP ID of the backyard to be operated with this driver.
Body of Water Settings
BOW Count - Select the number of bodies of water in the backyard.
Body Of Water (1-10) Settings
Name - Enter the name of the body of water. (examples - Pool, Spa)
Gas Heater Available - Select if the system has a gas heater
Gas Heater Name - Enter the name of the gas heater (example - Gas)
Solar Heater Available - Select if the system has a solar heater
Solar Heater Name - Enter the name of the solar heater (example - Solar)
Heat Pump Available - Select if the system has a heat pump
Heat Pump Name - Enter the name of the heat pump (example - Heat Pump)
Chlorinator Available - Select if the system has a chlorinator
Chlorinator Name - Enter the name of the chlorinator (example - Chlorinator)
CSAD Available (pH) - Select if the system has CSAD (pH)
CSAD Name - Enter the name of the CSAD (pH) (example - pH)
Pump Count - Select the number of pumps available in the body of water (excluding the filter pump)
Pump (1-10) Name - Enter the name of the pump (examples - Bubbler, Waterfall, Spa Jets, etc.)
Relay Settings
Relay Count - Select the number of relays in the entire backyard. This includes relays in a body of water.
Relay (1-40) Name - Enter the name of the relay.
If the relay is in a body of water, the bow name should be listed first with a colon separating it from the relay name. (example - Pool:RainCurtain)
If the relay is not in a body of water, enter the name of the relay. (example - Landscape)
Color Logic Light Settings
Color Logic Light Count - Select the number of color logic lights in the entire backyard. This includes color logic lights in a body of water.
CLL (1-40) Name - Enter the name of the color logic light.
If the color logic light is in a body of water, the bow name should be listed first with a colon separating it from the color logic light name. (example - Pool:Pool Lights)
If the color logic light is not in a body of water, enter the name of the color logic light. (example - Firebowl)
Driver Notes
- This driver is not a complete replacement for managing the Hayward OmniLogic system. The Hayward OmniLogic webApp and/or smart device app should be used for advanced functionality and setup not included in this driver.
- This driver will provide feedback and control of items in the Hayward HA API that were operational during and up to the initial release of the driver. Some functionality listed as available in the HA API may not have worked or been able to be tested during the development of the driver and therefore was left out upon its release.
- Full access to http://app1.haywardomnilogic.com/ is required for this driver to function. Disruptions with internet services will result in loss of control with this driver.
- If any of the account settings are entered incorrectly the driver will not be able to connect to the Hayward servers, therefore making the OmniLogic system inoperable with this driver.
- Any device object outlined in the driver configuration that is not entered or is incorrectly entered may result in loss of operation with the OmniLogic system.
- This driver supports the activation of up to 25 Groups/Themes and will acquire the Group/Theme names during initialization. If any Groups/Themes are added or removed, a reboot of the XP processor may be required.
- Being as the OmniLogic system uses a cloud-based API, the driver must not burden the servers with continual polls. A special polling mechanism has been implemented that each time a command is issued to the cloud server, a poll timer is reset for an additional 10 seconds. The Operating Status driver variable will be flagged as "Operating, Please Wait" once a function is executed, and with each sequential function executing within the 10 second timer, the timer will reset. This means that toggle functionality in the driver cannot be accomplished sequentially without a minimum of more than 10 seconds between toggles of the same function.
- The driver functions will be place in a command queue and executed upon a first in first out sequence. The driver will not attempt to send a command more than once if it fails to execute on the OmniLogic system unless it has been activated more than once by the driver. Stacking commands in a macro for the same function is not recommended. If a command fails to execute, please refer to the System Status Message variable as it may contain information as to why the command did not execute.