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This driver controls the HAI OmniPro II Home Automation system over and AES-encrypted Ethernet link. \The driver does not support RS-232.
Version History:
Version 1.1: allows HAI User Macros (Buttons) to be triggered by the XP processor.
Version 1.11: improves performance while loading the zone list.
Version 1.12: fixes an issue where items may show up in the lists twice.
Version 1.2: adds a Thermostat list, a Security Event log, a connection variable for troubleshooting, and fixes System Events on security mode changes.
Version 1.22: fixes the non-functioning "Restore All Zones" command.
HAI Omni-Link II Driver
XP Version
Release History
1.0: The inital release of the driver
1.1: Added commands to execute HAI macros (buttons) from the driver
1.11: Fixed problems with slow updating of Zones list, fixed area all on/off message titles so they're not all off
1.12: Fixed problem with items showing up multiple times in lists
1.21: Added a 'Thermostat List' and function for altering the 'Selected' thermostat. Added a security log list. Added connection tracking variables to aid in troubleshooting. Fixed problem with events not firing when security modes changed
1.22 Fixed the non-working 'Restore All Zones' commands
This driver was written using Version 3.0 of the Omni-Link II protocol connected to an OmniPro II panel with 3.1A software, an OmniStat/2 thermostat, HAI lighting and a Russound CAV audio system.
Due to the myriad options available, both in the HAI system and on the RTI end, extensive knowledge of HAI and RTI programming and configuration (and considerable time) will be required to create a satisfactory system.
You must pay particular attention to any sliders you use. Make sure that the Dynamic Parameter under Button Properties is controlling the correct parameter.
The names assigned to the devices in your system are extremely important. The HAI system will only tell driver about devices (zones, stats, flags, anything) that have names so if you want them to show up they must have names.
Panel Connection
The driver requires an ethernet connection and will not support control over RS232. The ethernet connection is encrypted with 128 bit AES encryption. Both halves of the encryption key from the panel (under the 6-misc option of setup) must be entered into the driver configuration data in the XP-8's Control System window.
Version 1.21 adds three variables to monitor the status of the connection:
Connection State: This tracks the progress of the driver from start up through establishing a secure connection, gathering all the current info on the HAI system and going onlin. If the connection is lost it will return to 'Startup' until it can re-establish the connection.
TCP Connection: This just monitors the low level network connection between the units, regardless of whether an encrypted connection has been established, Windows CE tries to keep this connection open so it can take up to 30 seconds for this to go away when the network connection is gone.
Object Message: Shows the object type of the last object to send a message to the driver. Changing lights, setpoints and zones should show up here.
Arming in the system (which includes bypassing) can be accomplished in two ways:
1: The Arm (no code) command allows you to go directly to the mode of your choice. You must enter a user code number in the command so the system can successfully log the event. You are not entering a code into this command, you are entering the code NUMBER (usually 1) to attribute the action too. There is no disarm equivalent to these functions
2: The Arm (confirm) command turns on the Keypad Visibile variable, and queues the command until a valid code is entered using the keypad variables. System events are available to help you track the progress of the verification, and the Keypad Visible variable will go false after the correct code is entered, or cancel is hit.
UPB Links
UPB Links cannot be polled by the driver so there is no variable associated with them. They do trigger system events however, so you can track them with system flags if desired. Keep in mind that you cannot be guaranteed that their state is accurate.
Dim commands
The current version of HAI firmware does not return the new 'unit' level correctly after a dim or brighten command. It returns the level of the unit before the command was sent, so in a series of commands it will always seem to be one command behind.
Security Log
The Security Log Lists track the last 100 new entries into the Security Log, these are new events only and are not retrieved from the panel, The lists will not survive a reboot of the controller, if you need more history than that you'll have to get it from the HAI panel itself.