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This driver supports all models of Escient music servers, players and iPod docks connected to the XP processor via RS232 or Ethernet. The driver supports music, video and Internet Radio. This version of the driver does not support Rhapsody music or Photo browsing provided by the Vision series devices. This functionality will be added in a later release of the driver.
Please Note: Total Track Time (and current song position) are not available when using the FP-1 with a docked iPod. This is a limitation of the FP-1, not a driver bug.
Version History:
Version 1.1: increases performance, shows playlist tracks in the browse list, and adds music search by artist.
Version 1.12: fixes a compatibility problem with Integration Designer 7.2.
Version 1.13: adds a config option to disable the music genres option.
Version 1.14: doesn't populate the artist search results unless the user changes the search text.
Version 1.15: fixes a bug that can cause system variables from all drivers to stop updating after an Escient database refresh.
Escient Media Server
This driver is based on the 10/20/2009 version of the Escient Control Protocol and the 1/15/2009 version of the Vision External Control Protocol. Several models have been tested including (Vision series, MX series, E2 series, DVDM series, FP-1 and ZP-1). This driver requires that all devices are running the latest Escient software. The DVDM-100 does not update to the latest software automatically. You will need to go to the Escient website to allow your DVDM-100 to get the latest software.
Database Syncing
This release of the driver no longer syncs the entire database from the Escient device. Only the minimum amount of data is synced and the rest is retreived as you browse content. The initial database sync takes between 5-10 seconds depending on the size of the Escient database.
Config Settings
Internet Radio
Selecting this config option will expose the 'Internet Radio' item in the top level of the music list.
This function will take you up one level in either the music or video list.
This funciton will take you to the top-level of the music or video list.
FP-1 iPod Dock
When an iPod is placed into the FP-1 dock, the driver should be ready to use within 30-45 seconds. When an iPod is removed from the dock, the driver should reflect this change within 10 seconds.
FP-1 Limitations
The Now Playing variables 'Length' and 'Progress Bar' are not supported when playing tracks from an iPod. This is a limitation of the FP-1 itself, not the RTI driver. The FP-1 does support 'Length' and Progress Bar' variables for content pulled from an Escient server.
When playing tracks from an iPod playlist, the 'Artist' variable is not supported.
Playlist Limitations
When playing tracks from a playlist, the album art will always show the Escient default playlist cover.
Release History
1.0 The original release of the driver
1.12 Many changes, too many to detail or remember.
1.13 Added config option to disable music genres menu option.
1.14 Changed default behavior of Artist search results. At startup, the results list will be empty until the user changes the search text.
1.15 Changed default behavior of Artist search results again. When the search text is empty, the list will be empty.