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This driver is for the Epson PowerLite and PowerLite Cinema series projectors using serial (RS232) control.
Version History:
Version 1.01: Fixed stability issue with delayed source selection routine and added iPod and Mic/WirelessHD Standby variables and events.
Version 1.02: Added Power Off/Cooling Down Delay Setting and Cooling Down Timer Variable.
Version 1.03: Adds Override Cooling Down Delay function.
Epson PowerLite / PowerLite Cinema
This driver was developed with the Epson PowerLite Pro Cinema 6030UB and an Epson PL915W using RS232 only.
Special Notes -
The driver should support many other Epson projector models, though control and feedback would be on a case by case basis.
Release History
1.0 The initial release of the driver
1.01 Fixed stability issue with delayed source selection routine.
Added iPod and Mic/WirelessHD Standby variables and events.
1.02 Added Power Off/Cooling Down Delay Setting.
Added Cooling Down Timer Variable.
1.03 Added Override Cooling Down Delay function.
Config Settings
Connection Type
Select the type of connection the processor will use to communication to the projector. Currently Serial (RS232) is only available.
Serial Port Settings
The RS-232 connection on the Epson projector should be connected with a null modem to the processor.
The display defaults to a baud rate of 9600.
Notification Settings
Lamp Hour Notification - Enter amount of time (hours) to notify about lamp usage.
Power Off/Cooling Down Delay Settings
Delay in Seconds - Select the delay time to use before the next status query can be issued to the projector after a power off has been issued. This setting also prevents any commands from executing while the delay is active.
Source Settings
Source Count - Enter the number of source inputs accessible on the projector. Up to 20 sources are supported in the driver.
Source (1-20) Name - Enter the name to use for source (1-20).
Source (1-20) Code - Enter the code to use for source (1-20). Acceptable hex representation codes are 00-FF. See Epson documentation for more information.
Aspect Ratio Settings
Aspect Ratio Count - Enter the number of aspect ratio settings accessible on the projector. Up to 20 aspect ratio settings are supported in the driver.
Aspect Ratio (1-20) Name - Enter the name to use for aspect ratio (1-20).
Aspect Ratio (1-20) Code - Enter the code to use for aspect ratio (1-20). Acceptable hex representation codes are 00-FF. See Epson documentation for more information.
Color Mode Settings
Color Mode Count - Enter the number of color mode settings accessible on the projector. Up to 20 color mode settings are supported in the driver.
Color Mode (1-20) Name - Enter the name to use for color mode (1-20).
Color Mode (1-20) Code - Enter the code to use for color mode (1-20). Acceptable hex representation codes are 00-FF. See Epson documentation for more information.
Driver Notes
- The driver uses a 10 second query routine to acquire current values for supported variables and events. Initial feedback is written when using direct access commands. When using toggle commands such as Source, Aspect Ratio, and Color Mode, feedback will be updated when the query routine is executed.
- There is no feedback in the driver for 2D/3D settings as some projectors may not respond properly to 2D/3D queries. There are however discrete commands for 2D and 3D control.
- If the projector is in a standby state, the only commands that will operate the projector are the power toggle and power on commands.
- If creating a macro to turn on the projector and select a source, the last source command in the macro is the only command executed once the projector is powered up.
- The driver automatically issues a warm up response if the projector is turned on from an off state. The power on event and variable are updated only when the projector actually issues a power on response in which the time this occurs may vary.
- The driver automatically issues a cooling down response if a power off command is issued while the projector is on. The power off event and variable are updated only when the projector actually issues a standby response in which the time this occurs may vary.
- An error message variable is available in the driver. If the error response has any parameters, the error response will reference "Error" along with the parameters. If the error response does not list any parameters, the only text printed to the error message text variable is "Error".
- The default configuration of the driver is set for the PowerLite Pro Cinema 6030UB. A driver configuration file for the PL915W is included in the download along with a configuration for the 6030UB. If use of the driver is for these specific models, the configuration file may be imported for the model in use. If using a different model projector, the configuration may need to be adjusted to suit the capabilities of the projector in use. Refer to Epson documentation for more information on what source, aspect ratio, and color mode codes to use.
- Any desired commands not pre-defined in the driver may be issued using the RAW Driver Command. Feedback may not be available in the driver for commands that are executed using the RAW Driver command.