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This driver provides the ability to send email notifications from an XP series processor and the ability to automatically acquire the current WAN IP address for where the XP series processor resides.
Version History:
Version 2.5: updates WAN IP acquisition and adds additional WAN IP URL selection.
Version 2.51-2.52: adds the ability to send multiple recipients with a single command and fixes visibility issue with WAN IP acquisition setting in driver configuration.
Email/SMTP Client
This driver provides the XPx processor the ability to send email notifications. Using the 'Send Mail' driver command, email notifications can be sent from any macro running on the XPx.
Version 2.5 requirements:
Integration Designer is version 9.8.0 or later.
XP-3 firmware is 1.11.15 or later.
XP-6 firmware is 1.12.15 or later.
XP-8 firmware is 3.11.15 or later.
XP-8s firmware is 1.7.15 or later.
Release History
1.0 The original release of the driver
1.1 Added SMTP port config option
2.0 Added authentication support.
Added 'From Friendly Name' option.
Fixes for 'Subject' showing up in message body.
2.1 Added conditional config options. Added logging.
2.2 Added WAN IP acquisition capabilities.
Updated driver info about Yahoo and Yahoo Plus compatibility.
2.3 Maintenance update for use with latest XP firmware builds. (gmail works again!!!)
2.4 Officially Supported Release.
Changed WAN IP acquisition routine so it no longer sends an email if the system reboots and the IP Address has not changed.
2.5 Change WAN IP acquisition from getURL routine to HTTP routine.
Fixed WAN IP acquisition for jsonip.com which now requires SSL.
Added non-secure URL selection for freegeoip.net.
Removed ability to manually add WAN IP URLs due to compatibility issues.
2.51 Added the ability to send to multiple recipients with a single command.
2.52 Fixed issue with visibility of WAN IP acquisition setting in driver configuration.
Driver Configuration
SMTP Server Address
This should be the address of your SMTP server. If you do not know your server address, ask your email provider.
Use Default Server Port
By default this driver uses port 25. To change the port used for the SMTP server, uncheck this selection and enter the SMTP server port in the Server Port field.
Many web based Email providers require the use of port 587, but the best practice is to check with the specific Email provider if ports 25 and 587 do not work.
From Email Address Setting
This should be the email address of the customer. This address is used as the 'From' when sending emails. It is also used during the 'HELO' process with the SMTP server.
Email: my.email@comcast.net
Email: myother.email@hotmail.com
From Friendly Name Setting
Use this setting to show an actual name in the 'From:' portion of the email. This setting is optional.
From Email Address: bsmith@email.com
From Friendly Name: Bill Smith
Shown as...
From: Bill Smith
Authentication Settings
To enable SMTP authentication, check the 'Use Authentication' option in the driver config settings. You must supply a valid Username and Password. Only SMTP servers with 'AUTH LOGIN PLAIN' authentication are supported at this time. Microsoft exchange (NTLM) authentication is not supported.
The following SMTP servers have been tested with this driver:
Microsoft Live (Hotmail)
Google (gmail)
Yahoo and Yahoo Plus have not been verified in version 2.4 - use at your own risk.
WAN IP Acquisition
WAN IP Acquisition is intended for use on systems without access to a DNS service so that the integrator or user can be notified when the WAN IP changes. When notified the new IP address can be entered into the server configuration of any RTiPanel so that access to the RTI automation system can be reestablished.
- Enable Automated WAN IP Acquisition - Enable if Automated WAN IP Acquisition use is preferred.
- Update Rate - The rate in which the WAN IP acquisition occurs in minutes.
- Automated WAN IP Send Email Address - The Email address the WAN IP is to be sent to. Leave empty if no automated Email is preferred.
- Automated WAN IP Send Email Subject - Subject text for automated Email.
- Automated WAN IP Send Email Message - Message text with appended WAN IP notification.
- WAN IP URL - Select the URL to be used for acquiring the WAN IP. Selections are:
- jsonip.com (SSL)
- freegeoip.net (Unsecured)
- WAN IP Acquisition Note - The Automated Email and WAN IP Changed driver event are only sent during a new system file download, or when the actual WAN IP changes.
Version 2.5 requirements:
Integration Designer is version 9.8.0 or later.
XP-3 firmware is 1.11.15 or later.
XP-6 firmware is 1.12.15 or later.
XP-8 firmware is 3.11.15 or later.
XP-8s firmware is 1.7.15 or later.