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This driver is for eGauge energy monitoring system using Ethernet connectivity.
eGauge Energy Monitoring
This driver is for eGauge Energy Monitoring and was developed using an eGauge Main Unit with HomePlug Adapter.
Release History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
Connection Settings (TCP/IP only)
The Ethernet connection on the eGauge Home Plug Adapter should be connected to the Network.
The TCP Address should match the address of the eGauge Home Plug Adapter. Port 80 is used as the default port.
Polling Duration
Select the amount of time between polling commands. The lowest setting will provide more accuracy, but will also use more processing resources. The default is set to 10 seconds. Available polling durations are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 seconds.
128 Registers are available. Register settings are exposed as the Register Name Fields are filled in.
Register (1-128) Name
Enter the name to use for the Register. This value will be what the driver uses for naming the driver events, variables, and commands.
Register (1-128) Default Scale
Select the default scale for use with Graph Data Source variables. Each time the driver reinitializes, the scale for the corresponding register is set this setting.
Register (1-128) is Voltage
Enable this check box if the register is a voltage register. By enabling this setting, high and low threshold settings will appear and can be set up for event based programming when the voltage readings are above and/or below the set thresholds.
Register (1-128) High Threshold (only available if "Register is Voltage" setting is enabled)
Enter the threshold desired for the register High limit. Format is in millivolts (x1000). Example: 125 volts would have a setting of 125000.
Register (1-128) Low Threshold (only available if "Register is Voltage" setting is enabled)
Enter the threshold desired for the register Low limit. Format is in millivolts (x1000). Example: 115 volts would have a setting of 115000.
Driver Notes
- Unsolicited feedback from the eGauge is not available. Feedback is only acquired during the polling routine and is a differential value between the previous poll and current poll.