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This driver is for the DSC Power Series Security Panels, using either the IT-100 or PC5401 Data Interface Module. The driver supports either card but the PC5401 has considerably reduced functionality.
Version History:
Version 1.01 fixes problems with events and variables using the Entry delay time.
Version 1.02 fixes the problem starting codes with a 0.
Version 1.03 enables Apex auto programing and adds dynamic naming functionality.
Version 1.04 fixed a bug that caused Zone Open events not to fire properly.
Version 1.05 fixed a bug that was causing partition variables not to be shown when the partition was added.
Version 1.06 fixed issue with left and right arrow commands not working.
DSC Power Series Security Panels with IT-100 Data Interface Module
This driver was written using Version 1.0 of the IT-100 Developers guide and a PC1832 System. It will also work with the older PC5401 module but that module does not support the virtual keypad functions, or downloading the label information from the panel.
Version History
V1.0 The original release of the driver
V1.01 fixes problems with the entry delay status and events
V1.02 allows for arm/disarm codes to begin with 0
V1.03 Apex auto programing enabled. Dynamic naming functionality added.
V1.04 fixed a bug that cause Zone Open events not to fire properly.
V1.05 fixed a bug that was causing partition variables not to be shown when the partition was added.
V1.06 fixed a bug that broke the < and > commands.
RS-232 Connection
The serial cable for the IT-100 module is a straight through cable to the supplied serial adapter.
The keypad keys require a repeat time of 100 to allow the driver to detect the long presses required by the function keys.
IT-100 Virtual Keypad
The supplied file is an implementation of the IT-100 virtual keypad. Use the keypad commands and the Flashing LED variables to emulate the keypads. Use 2 buttons, one on top of the other, with their button text set to the two LCD Lines to emulate the keypad display. The only keypad function not supported is beeping. The ability to hit both arrow keys is also unavailable but can be added by using a separate key in the keypad.
The keypad LED variables are available three ways: first is a multistate variable that will show text for off, on and flashing states, second is an on/off variable that is on when the variable is either on or flashing, the third is a flashing variable that will actually flash the button to match the keypad.
Arming in the system can be accomplished in three ways:
1: A button using the keypad function commands can be held down for greater than 2 seconds.
2: The arming functions (Stay, Away and No Delay) allow you to go directly to the mode of your choice but require the code to be entered into the driver configuration data in the XP-8's Control System window.
3: The Arm Using Code and Disarm Using Code fuctions ignore the code in the XP8 configuration and use the code entered in Integration Designer as a parameter. The Arm With Code function acts just as if you had typed the code into the keypad. As always, creating a one button disarm function is strongly discouraged.
Other Functions
The driver will ask the system for programmed labels on connection. If the labels are changed you can disconnect the panel until the LCD text says it's disconnected. When you plug it back in the system will reconnect and download the new labels. If you're only using the keypad emulation there's no need to do that as all displayed info is supplied by the IT-100 module.