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This driver is for use with DoorBird Doorbell stations.
This driver supports door bell, door open, and motion events along with open door and light on commands.
Please reference the included DoorBird sample file and read through entire DoorBird Info and RTI DoorBird Driver and SIP Configuration Guide documents for information on how to use the driver in conjunction with the VoIP, MJPEG objects, and notifications.
Version History:
Version 1.1: adds Dynamic JPEG Image Variables, Station Speaker/Microphone Level commands, and updates the sample file with examples of how to implement SIP with the DoorBird and a SIP enabled RTI interface.
Version 1.12: fixes an issue where additional station events may not trigger consistently and verified operation with current DoorBird firmware.
Version 1.13: fixes issue with legacy subscriptions and firmware version 000112.
This driver is for use with DoorBird Doorbell stations.
Release History
1.0 Initial Release
1.1 Added Dynamic JPEG Image Variables.
Added Station Speaker/Microphone Level commands
Updated sample file with additional SIP control.
1.12 Fixed issue where additional station events may not trigger consistently.
Verified operation with new DoorBird firmware version 000105.
1.13 Fixed issue with legacy subscriptions and firmware version 000112.
Config Settings
Station Count
Number of Stations - Enter the number of DoorBird stations to be used with the driver. Up to 12 DoorBird stations are supported per instance of the driver.
Selected Station Settings
Enable Selected Station - Check to enable selected station capabilities in the driver. This option is only available when the station count is more than 1.
Notification Settings
Enable Door Bell Notification Port - Select if doorbell notifications are to be enabled.
Door Bell Notification Port - enter the network port all DoorBird stations are to use for doorbell notification. The port used must be greater than 1024 and must not be used for any other notification port settings. The driver is set to use port 2001 by default, but this may be changed and is not specific to DoorBird stations.
Enable Door Open Notification Port - Select if door open notifications are to be enabled.
Door Open Notification Port - enter the network port all DoorBird stations are to use for door open notification. The port used must be greater than 1024 and must not be used for any other notification port settings. The driver is set to use port 2002 by default, but this may be changed and is not specific to DoorBird stations.
Enable Motion Notification Port - Select if motion notifications are to be enabled.
Motion Notification Port - enter the network port all DoorBird stations are to use for motion notification. The port used must be greater than 1024 and must not be used for any other notification port settings. The driver is set to use port 2003 by default, but this may be changed and is not specific to DoorBird stations.
Station (1-12)
Station (1-12) Name - Enter the name to use for the corresponding DoorBird station.
Station (1-12) Image Refresh Interval - Select the interval that the Dynamic JPEG Image for the station will be updated. Selections are Off, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,and 30 seconds.
Station (1-12) IP Address - Enter the IP address used for the corresponding DoorBird station.
Station (1-12) Username - Enter the username for the corresponding DoorBird station. If SIP is to be used with the DoorBird station the username attached to the SIP setup of the DoorBird should be used.
Station (1-12) Password - Enter the password for the corresponding DoorBird station. If SIP is to be used with the DoorBird station the password attached to the SIP setup of the DoorBird should be used.
Station (1-12) Door Bell Relaxation - Enter the time in seconds for concurrent doorbell events. The default value is 10 seconds.
Station (1-12) Door Open Relaxation - Enter the time in seconds for concurrent door open events. The default value is 10 seconds.
Station (1-12) Motion Relaxation - Enter the time in seconds for concurrent motion events. The default value is 10 seconds.
Specific Driver Notes
- This driver supports up to 12 DoorBird stations.
- Driver events for connected, disconnected, doorbell, door open, and motion are provided.
- Driver variables for name, connected state, and driver initialization state are provided.
- Driver commands for door open, light on, Set/Adjust Speaker Level, and Set/Adjust Microphone Level are provided.
- The Username and Password for each DoorBird station must be acquired using the DoorBird Digital Passport document included with each DoorBird station.
- JPEG Image work in the same fashion as the Cover Art variables in many other drivers. See included sample files for examples of how to use the JPEG Image Video variables.
Non-Driver Related Notes
- This driver is not for communicating to the DoorBird through SIP.
- SIP capabilities would be handled through the VoIP Control object in Integration Designer. SIP capabilities between DoorBird and RTI devices are now compatible. Refer to the included sample file and RTI DoorBird SIP Configuration.pdf for an example and how to configure SIP for use with RTI SIP enabled user interfaces.
- SIP needs to be enabled on the DoorBird station and setup properly to work with RTI SIP enabled devices. Please refer to the DoorBird documentation along with the included RTI DoorBird SIP Configuration.pdf for more information.
- MJPEG video and Dynamic Images variables (JPEG) are supported with RTI IP capable devices. Please refer to the included RTI DoorBird SIP Configuration.pdf for more information on how to use the MJPEG and Dynamic Image variables.