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This driver provides the control of the Denon Blu-ray Player DBP-2012UD. The driver fully supports the player's RS232 specification.
Important Note: RTI Technical Support is unable to provide support for this driver.
This driver has been written by a developer outside of RTI. Please contact the developer directly to make sure you have the latest version of the driver and to address any support questions you may have - see developer contact below.
This Driver's Discussion Topic on the RTI Forum (Login required)
License Fee: Paid, Trial Version available
Developer: digital4home
Phone: +49 6747 9350 700
Email: kontakt@digital4home.de
Website: www.digital4home.de
Denon Blu Ray Player DBP-2012UD version 1.02
This driver provides 2-way communication to the
Denon Blu Ray Player DBP-2012UD or compatible
With the Denon DBP-2012UD Blu-ray disc player, you can enjoy not only Blu-ray discs and DVDs in stunning sound and picture quality but Super Audio CDs and DVD-Audio discs, too. And that’s not all, because the DBP-2012UD can also play music, photo and video files stored on a PC and let you enjoy online content such as YouTube. The DBP-2012UD shares the same structural and electrical design as Denon's high-class models. Coatings of different types have been applied to the surfaces of the disc mechanism and the top cover, and the top cover has been constructed of dual layers, to suppress vibrations that adversely affect sound and picture quality. The electrical circuits have also been carefully laid out in separate blocks to suppress noise caused by the different types of signals and magnetic influences. The DBP-2012UD allows you to enjoy sound and picture quality on a level that only a Denon Universal player can give you. (Source website Denon)
More information at http://www.denon.com . Choose your region
The driver fully supports RS232 specification and is tested with the european model DBP-2012UD. It should also work with other models like the US type DBP-2012UDCI or older models like 2011/2010. To setup players for RS232 read known issues below.
Driver operates in trial mode as long as the right license number is not typed in.
Trial mode runs fully functional, but is timed out after 90 minutes.
Anyway, integrators can create the whole project, even if driver is running in trial mode.
Driver is lisenced per controller.
You can use different instances of this driver with different players.
Using a Globalcache device with latest firmware let control one player by up to 4
different XPx controller = Multiple ports enabled
Important: Use driver at your own risk! No warranty given by the author,
especially to damages, which occured with this driver. Integrators are
fully responsible, when using this driver in their projects.
Driver support only within RTI Integrator forum: http://forums.rticorp.com
C o n f i g u r a t i o n
General Settings
Choose connection type
Native serial or serial via Globalcache device
All Globalcache devices with serial ports are supported.
Serial parameters of the devices must be set up first with
baudrate = 9600, flow control = none, parity = even,
Data bits = 8, Stop bits = 1.
Choose RS232 Port which communicate to gateway.
Enter IP-Address of the device (hint:make sure it is a static one)
Enter Portaddress which matched to the serial port of the device
S1: 4999, S2:5000 ....
For more information refer to Globalcache device documentation
Fill in license number or omit for trial mode
V a r i a b l e s
License mode as boolean
false = trial
true = licensed
MacAddress of Controller as string
Trial timed out as boolean
false = fully running
true = timedout
Device status as integer with string assignment
48:Standby 68:Pause
49:Disc loading 69:Scan play
51:Disc tray open 70:Slow search play
52:Disc tray close 61:Switch on req.
62:Switch off req. 71:Setup
65:No Disc 73:Resume stop
66:Stop 74:Menu
67:Play 75:Home menu
Disc type as integer with string assignment
48:not applicable 56:DVD VR
49:DVD Video 57:BDMV
50:DVD Audio 58:BDAV
51:Reserved 59:AVCHD
52:CD-DA 60:Webstream
53:CD-Rom 61:DLNA
54:Unknown 62:AVCREC
55:SACD 63:External Memory
Audio format as integer with string assignment
48:not applicable 55:DSD
49:Dolby digital 56:DD+
50:DTS 57:DTS-HD
51:MPEG 58:Dolby TrueHD
52:LPCM 59:MP3
53:PPCM 60:AAC
54:Unknown 61:WMA
Audio channel as integer with string assignment
48:not applicable 58:6 Ch
49:1 Ch 59:L/R (CD/VCD/MP3)
50:2 Ch 60:R (CD/CD)
51:2.1 Ch 61:L (CD/VCD)
52:3 Ch 62:Unknown
53:3.1 Ch 63:6.1 Ch
54:4 Ch 64:7 Ch
55:4.1 Ch 65:7.1 Ch
56:5 Ch 66:8 Ch
57:5.1 Ch
Dialog as integer with string assignment
48:not applicable 54:ESP
49:JPN 55:NLD
50:ENG 56:CHI
51:FRA 57:RUS
52:DEU 58:KOR
53:ITA 59:Other
Subtitle as integer with string assignment
48:not applicable 54:ESP
49:JPN 55:NLD
50:ENG 56:CHI
51:FRA 57:RUS
52:DEU 58:KOR
53:ITA 59:Other
Angle view as integer with string assignment
48:not applicable 53:5
49:1 54:6
50:2 55:7
51:3 56:8
52:4 57:9
Play mode as integer with string assignment
48:not applicable
Time mode as integer with string assignment
48:not applicable 55:Title elapsed
49:Single elapsed 56:Title remain
50:Single remain 57:Track elapsed
51:Total elapsed 58:Track remain
52:Total remain 59:Group elapsed
53:Chapter elapsed 60:Group remain
54:Chapter remain
Powered on as boolean
Disc Tray open as boolean
Player type as string
Elapsed time hours as string
Elapsed time minutes as string
Elapsed time seconds as string
Track or chapter number as string
Group or title number as string
Search speed as integer with string assignment
48:not known 59:Fast forward 16x
49:Slow forward 1/16 60:Fast forward 8x
50:Slow forward 1/8 62:Fast forward 4x
51:Slow forward 1/4 63:Fast forward 2x
52:Slow forward 1/2 65:Fast reverse 32x
53:Slow reverse 1/16 66:Fast reverse 16x
54:Slow reverse 1/8 67:Fast reverse 8x
55:Slow reverse 1/4 69:Fast reverse 4x
56:Slow reverse 1/2 70:Fast reverse 2x
58:Fast forward 32x 71:Normal
Firmware update status as integer with string assignment
0:not applicable 52:Cannot update now
48:not known 53:Server error
49:Now checking 54:Connection error
50:Latest Version 55:Download error
51:Now updating
CPU [MCU] version as string
CPU [BE] version as string
CPU [FE] version as string
F u n c t i o n s
Functions are grouped into senseful combinations
Off, On, Toggle
Control [single command]
Play, Stop, Pause, Setup, Top Menu, Menu, Return, Angle, Enter,
Open:Close, HDMI mode, HDMI Resolution, Program:Direct, Clear,
Call, Display, Page+, Random, Dimmer, Picture adjust, Pure direct,
Source, Search mode, Disc layer select, Home, Request CPU version,
Request system status
Skip or Slow:Search
forward +
reverse -
Audio mode
Primary, Secondary
Subtitle mode
Primary, Primary style, Secondary
Cursor key
left, up, right, down
SACD Layer
2ch Layer, Multi ch Layer, CD Layer
Repeat mode
repeat, A-B
Auto transfer mode
One time, Auto
Color key
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow
Aspect ratio
16:9 Squeeze, 16:9 wide, 4:3 PS, 4:3 LB
Progressive mode
Auto, Video, Film
Number Key
Special modes
Toggle Mode, BD Audio mode:HD Audio output,
BD Audio mode:Mix Audio mode, Audio Video sync:HDMI,
Audio video sync: Analog video out, PIP off, PIP select:1,
PIP select:2 PIP select:3 PIP select:4 PIP select:5
PIP select:6, PIP select:7, PIP select:8, PIP select:9
Firmware Update
Update status, start
Direct select
Group or title number, Chapter or track number
100digit [0-9]; 10digit [0-9]; 1digit [0-9]
E v e n t s
Power on
Power off
Disc tray open
Disc tray close
K n o w n I s s u e s a n d L i m i t a t i o n s
-- results/feedback/answers of sending commands may differ and depends
on actually state of player. Please read RS232 specification paper for
information in detail.
-- setup player to normal standby instead of power saving standby in
general settings. [Power light shines red on standby] If this not set, power on
via RS232 is not possible.
Have success and a bit of fun using the driver
Ottmar Konrad on behalf of digital4home OHG, Germany