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This driver is for the Cooper Wiring Devices Aspire RF lighting control system using the RF232 Serial Interface Programming Module
Cooper Wiring Devices Aspire RF Lighting Control
This driver provides RS-232 control utilizing the Cooper Wiring Devices RF232 Serial Interface Programming Module
General Settings
Serial Port: Choose the serial port that the RF232 is connected to. Baud rates supported are 9600 and 115200.
Variables are available for dimmers and switches in combination up to the 232 maximum supported devices.
Driver Commands
On, Off, Toggle, Dimmer Level
Unsolicited Feedback
An association needs to be set up between each device (dimmer, switch, etc...) and the RF232 controller so that changes are automatically reported back to the RF232. Currently, these devices only provide unsolicited feedback as long as they are in direct RF range of the RF232.
This is the general format for RS-232 strings that would be sent to the RF232
nn = Put the device node # in place of nn (in HEX format). This is the node you wish to associate to the RF232 controller
85 = Association Command Class
01 = Association Set Command
01 = Group 1
xx = Put the RF232 node # in plave of xx (in HEX format).
Following are some specific examples of RS-232 strings that would be sent to the RF232
Association of device node address 5 to RF232 controller with address 1 (Group 1)
Association of device node address 10 (HEX 0A) to RF232 controller with address 1 (Group 1)