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This driver is for the CoolMasterNet/CoolLinkNet Interface used for controlling HVAC Systems. Ethernet and Serial (RS232) connectivity is supported.
Version History:
Version 1.01 Improved Selected Thermostat error handling. Set Selected Thermostat to false as default and added a note in driver instructions.
Cool Automation CoolMasterNet/CoolLinkNet
This driver is for the CoolMasterNet/CoolLinkNet Interface used for controlling HVAC Systems.
The driver was developed using a CoolMasterNet interface with a firmware version of 0.1.2 and simulating 256 thermostats.
This driver has not been tested with any CoolLinkNet interfaces.
- NOTE - This is an entirely new driver and is not intended for use with older CoolMaster interfaces which includes the CoolMaster 1000D, 2000S, 3000T, 4000M, 6000L, 8000MH, 9000H, and Cool4M.
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
1.01 Improved Selected Thermostat error handline. Set Selected Thermostat to false as default and added a note in driver instructions.
Connection Type
Network (TCP)
The Ethernet connection of the CoolMasterNet/CoolLinkNet device should be connected to the Local Area Network.
It is recommended the CoolMasterNet/CoolLinkNet interface be set to use a static IP address either by the device setup or by MAC reservations in the LAN router.
The driver uses port 10102 by default for Ethernet communications.
Serial Port
The RS-232 connection on the CoolMaster interface should be connected directly to the XP Processor serial adapter; a null modem is not required.
The default baud rate is set to 9600, but can be adjusted to 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200.
Initialize Thermostat Variables
Initialize Enabled - Enable this setting by checking the box. The driver will gather all of the configured thermostat variables with exception to the Louver Position variables.
If this setting is disabled (box unchecked), the driver will acquire the variables for specific thermostats when they are either selected from a selected list, when the thermostat is controlled for the first time through the driver, or during the heartbeat process.
Selected Thermostat Settings
Enable Selected Thermostat - Enable this setting by checking the box. This allows for the use of selected thermostat controls, feedback, and lists. For this to work, a RTI Panel (KA11, Virtual Panel, etc.) MUST be used in the system file or the driver will not function.
Thermostats Count
Thermostat Count - Enter the number of thermostats configured on the CoolMasterNet/CoolLinkNet interface. A CoolMasterNet interface and this driver can support up to 256 thermostats.
Thermostat Configuration (1-256)
Thermostat (1-256) Name - Enter the name for use throughout Integration Designer and the driver.
Thermostat (1-256) Address - Enter the address for the given thermostat. The thermostat address includes the link in which the thermostat resides.
Addresses need to be entered exactly how they appear on the CoolMasterNet/CoolLinkNet display.
Example Address: L2.017 would be for address 17 on link 2.
Driver Notes
- This driver uses a 30 second heartbeat routine which will acquire information from up to 64 thermostats. If more than 64 thermostats are setup in the system, the second heartbeat routine will acquire the next group of thermostats (up to 64), and so on. Once the last group of thermostats are acquired during a heartbeat routine, the next heartbeat routine will wrap around back to the beginning.
- Unsolicited feedback is not provided by the CoolMasterNet/CoolLinkNet system. Feedback for all thermostats is acquired by the Initialize Thermostat Variables selection, the Heartbeat routine, and when a thermostat is controlled through the driver.
- Louver Position variables are only acquired when a thermostat is selected from a "Selected Thermostat" list or when attempting to control the Louver Position of a thermostat.
- Not all commands are supported by all thermostat types that can be setup on the system. The driver does not know specifics for the thermostat being controlled. If the control command being sent to the thermostat is not supported, the feedback should not change.
- NOTE - This is an entirely new driver and is not intended for use with older CoolMaster interfaces which includes the CoolMaster 1000D, 2000S, 3000T, 4000M, 6000L, 8000MH, 9000H, and Cool4M.