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This driver is for the Converging Systems Intelligent Lighting Controller system using the ILC-100 lighting controller via serial (IBT-100 interface) or ethernet (E-Node/E-Node MKIII interface).
Important: Click here to visit the Converging Systems support website which contains extensive integration information regarding this driver.
Version History:
Version 1.04: is no longer supported due to additional capabilities and firmware changes made in the Converging Systems devices. Systems using 1.04 cannot be updated to version 2.0, and the driver will need to be removed before adding the 2.0 version. Reprogramming the entire Converging Systems control, feedback, and logic in the ID/ID APEX system file will be required when switching to version 2.0.
Version 2.0: supports additional control and feedback previously not available for RGBW, BiWhite/BiColor, Monochrome, 4 Channel Monochrome, Motors, and Group Broadcasts. Provisions have also been made in the restructured 2.0 driver to better support future updates in ID APEX for more simplified programming of lighting control.
Converging Systems Intelligent Lighting Controller
This driver is for the Converging Systems Intelligent Lighting Controller system.
Version 2.0 was developed and tested by RTI using the following Converging Systems devices:
x1 - E-NODE MkIII (HW - 03.02, FW - 02.00.55)
x1 - ILC-100M 1 Channel Monochrome (HW - 1.1, FW - 1.2)
x1 - ILC-400M 4 Channel Monochrome (HW - 2.3, FW - 2.11)
x1 - ILC-400C BiWhite (HW - 2.3, FW - 2.11)
x1 - ILC-100C RGB (HW - 4.6, FW - 3.10)
x1 - ILC-400C RGBW (HW - 2.3, FW - 2.11)
In addition, all lighting control and BRIC/BRIC-MKII motor control was tested by Converging Systems at their headquarters.
The Update Driver feature in Integration Designer will not work for existing systems using any version prior to 2.0 and all functions, variables, and events will need to be reprogrammed.
Release History
1.0 Initial release of the driver
1.01 Fixed error message in port initialization when using Network (UDP) configuration.
1.02 Fixed device 0 visibility in Adjust LED device parameter selection.
1.03 Added TCP Telnet capability.
1.04 Added Disable Poll Routine to driver configuration.
2.0 Entire rework of driver for compatibility with newer Converging Systems Products
Config Settings
RS-232 Serial Port Settings
The RS-232 connection on the IBT-100 Serial Interface should be connected directly to the processor serial adapter; a null modem is not required. The Default Baud Rate is 57600.
Network (UDP or TCP-Telnet) Settings
The Ethernet connection on the E-NODE Ethernet Interface should be connected connect to the network.
IP Address - Enter the IP address assigned to the E-NODE Ethernet Interface considered as the main/master. The E-NODE uses DHCP by default, but it is recommended to use either a static address or MAC address reservation in the network router.
UDP Send Port - Enter the port number used for driver send functions. The default is 5000.
UDP Receive Port - Enter the port number used for driver receive functions. The default is 4000.
TCP - Telnet Port - Enter the TCP (Telnet) port number for driver. The default is 23.
TCP - Telnet Username (if required) - Enter the telnet username if E-NODE is set to use login.
TCP - Telnet Password (if required) - Enter the telnet password if E-NODE is set to use login.
Polling Routine Settings
Disable Polling Routine - Select this item if the automated polling routine is not required during normal operation. Updated firmware from Converging Systems may be required for unsolicited feedback capabilities. Default value is set to Disabled. - Note - This does not disable the initialization polling routine that is used to acquire the initial settings of the system when the XP processor is rebooted or downloaded to.
Disable HSB Preset Comparison - Select to disable Hue, Saturation, and Brightness(Fade) levels with Preset Levels - Newer firmware does not support HSB values for Preset Levels. Default value is set to Disabled.
Device Configuration
Number of Devices Used - Enter the number of LED/LED Controllers and/or motors used in the system. The driver supports up to 128 devices.
Device 1-128
Name - Enter the name to be used for the Device.
Address - Enter the address assigned to the Device. The address format used is Zone.Group.Node. Example - 2.1.3
Type - Select the type of the device mapped to the device slot. Choices are Motor, Single Channel/Monochrome, Bi-Color, RGB, RGBW, and Broadcast. If this value is not set correctly, operation of the entire system could become unstable.
Dissolve Count - Set to 1 for pre V2.03 firmware. Set to 3 for V2.03-V3.3 firmware or ILC-100. Set to 4 for V3.3 or later firmware.
Enable Preset Status (RGB and RGBW only) - Select if preset/LED value comparisons are to be used. By enabling preset status, polling of the preset values is required upon Initialization and will lengthen the initialization time. Whether this parameter is enabled or not, preset recalling and storing will be available, but variables for active presets will not. Default value is Disabled.
Broadcast Device Interaction (Broadcast only) - This parameter is a list of device IDs that are affected by broadcast commands sent from the configured broadcast address. The device IDs must be comma separated and cannot contain any devices configured as broadcast devices. Device IDs also must be the ID of the configured device slot meaning the device configured as Device 9 would use the Device ID of 9.
Example of a properly configured Broadcast Device Interaction list - 3,4,5,6. In this example each channel of a 4-channel monochrome controller would be configured in device configurations 3,4,5, and 6. When a device is configured as a broadcast device, controlling the broadcast address will directly impact the variables for the devices configured in Broadcast Device Interaction list.
Additional Driver Notes
- Due to the number of possible configurations, this driver has been limited to allow up to 128 device addresses only.
- If the Polling Routine is enabled polling will occur upon operation of the device. This should not be enabled unless legacy E-NODE devices are used with old firmware.
- If a RGB/RGBW device is set to Enable Preset Status and is adjusted to the value of a stored preset, the preset will show as active.
- Broadcast devices have variables and events, but do not initialize because they cannot be directly polled. Variables and events will only update with broadcast devices when they are directly controlled through the driver.
- Not all motor controllers will provide feedback, but variables will be exposed for all devices configured as motors. It is the integrators responsibility to know whether the motor controllers in use provide feedback before deploying UI graphic elements for feedback.
- The driver provides two sets of Goto Motor commands and Motor Position variables. Text/Integer (0 to 100) and Slider/Fader (100 to 0). The intention of these is so the logic in the driver can properly update variables and send the proper command to the E-NODE. The Text/Integer commands and variables are explicitly based off the protocol used by Converging Systems where a level of 0 is when the motor is in the home position and a level of 100 is when the motor is fully deployed. With the Slider/Fader, the driver calculates the level, so the logic is reversed. If the motor is in the home position, the level will be 100, and when fully deployed the level will be 0. In the case of the Slider/Fader (100-0), the commands and variables can be used with the current set of sliders provided in ID and/or ID APEX so that they respond such as a shade or light. When the motor is in the home position the slider will be in the upmost position, and when fully deployed the slider will be in the downmost position.
The Update Driver feature in Integration Designer will not work for existing systems using any version prior to 2.0 and all functions, variables, and events will need to be reprogrammed.