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PLEASE NOTE: When using ID11 this driver is no longer necissary as it has been included in the System Manager. This driver is ONLY needed for ID9.
The 'Official' RTI Clock Driver is installed with the installation of Integration Designer, making processor system clock time and calendar date available as a set of system variables. This driver is not available for download but will be available in the My Documents\Integration Designer\Control Drivers folder of your PC after the ID is installed.
This driver adds to the official clock driver by allowing you to create alarm clocks, countdown timers, dates, date based events and much more. These additional features are not supported by RTI Tech support but are discussed in depth on the RTI Dealer forum
The Clock driver makes the processors system clock time available as a set of system variables. These variables can be used to display the time on any device capable of two-way communications, even those that do not have an internal clock (such as the T2-C).
The Clock driver also provides several variables that can be used along with image lists to display the time in a graphical format.
Version 2.0
Version 2.0 adds an alarm clock feature. There are 5 alarms, each of which can be set, started, stopped and snoozed independently. The snoozed duration is even independently settable by the user for each alarm.
Each alarm has two events associated with it, Alarm On and Alarm Off. When an alarm ‘goes off’, the appropriate Alarm On event is fired. When an alarm is turned off or snooze is hit, the appropriate Alarm Off event is fired.
Version 3.0
Version 3.0 adds a countdown timer feature. There are 10 timers, each of which can be set, started, restarted and stopped independently. The timers are accurate to within 30 seconds.
Each timer has one event associated with it, Timer Expired. When a timer expires, the appropriate Timer Expired event is fired.
Version 3.1
Version 3.1 adds an analog hour variable. If you use a image list graphic to build an analog clock you need the hour hand to move between the numbers. The analog hour number is no use as text but divides each half day into 60 pieces so the hour hand can move around.
Also added is a group of four time zone offsets with settable offsets this allows you to show the time in multiple zones at one time, or switch the clock between zones. The offsets are always calculated from local time.
The offsets only change the hour variables. There are no offset values for minutes, or dates
Version 3.2
Added a variable for odd/even days
Version 3.3
Version 3.2 broke the features added in 3.1. Now they're all back.
Version 3.4
The Date driver already makes the processors calendar data available as a set of system variables. These variables can be used to display the date on any device capable of two-way communications, even those that do not have an internal clock (such as the T2-C). In Version 3.4, it now provides many Booleans for day of the week, month of the year, weekend day, weekday, etc. that can be tested in macros, especially those fired by periodic system events.
Several new events were also added:
· All events fire at midnight on the appropriate day.
· The events under ‘Day of the Week’ fire once or more per week each on the appropriate day.
· The events under ‘Periods of the Week’ fire once per week each on the appropriate day.
· The events under ‘Day of the Month’ fire once per month, on the appropriate day.
· The events under ‘Month of the Year’ fire once per year, at midnight on the first day of the appropriate month.
Version 3.41
adds a variable for an offset hour. If you want to use the clock in a text type system where you would like to say '10 to six' instead of 'five fifty' you need the hour to move forward earlier. This variable is that offset hour. There is a configuration option that sets what minute the move takes place.