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This driver controls the CONVERGE Pro 2 DSP System.
Version History:
Version 1.2 fixes initialization issues.
Clearone Converge Pro2 Driver
This driver is for the Clearone Converge Pro2 series of DSP processors using Ethernet (TCP) or RS232.
This driver was developed using 128T(Analog Dialer), and a 128VD (VoIP Dialer).
Firmware Version:
Converge Pro2 Console Version:
The RTI example programs utilizes the Clearone Converge Pro2 Console DSP program “CCI_Demo_v5_00.PCCP2”, which included for your uses.
Note: This document is not a replacement for understanding the equipment your controlling and the documentation that is distributed with the equipment. Please read and understand all documentation before attempting to use this driver.
Revision History
1.0: Initial release.
1.1: Added a RS232 InterTXDelay of 100ms.
1.2: Added Initialization Reattempts after failure.
Connection Settings
Default RS232 Communication Settings: 57000 Baud
Default TCP Port Settings: Port 23 (Telnet)
Network Settings
IP Address - Enter the IP address used by one of the Clearone DSP processor that make up your system. All the Clearone Converge Pro2 processors should be set to a static IP or be included in the MAC reservation table of the network router.
IP Port - Enter the IP Port used for communications with the Clearone Converge Pro2 processor. The default is port 23
Login Settings
Username - Enter the username that has been setup in the Clearone Converge Pro2 processor.
Password - Enter the password that has been setup in the Clearone Converge Pro2 processor.
Default User Name: “clearone”
Default Password: “converge”
Controller Configuration
General – All controls require you to enter a valid “Channel” name, this is the instance name of a specific DSP control object as programmed in the Clearone Converge Pro2 Console. The best place to see the Channel Names is in the MatrixView inside the software. The Input/Output “Channel” names are listed there, and are case sensitive. Also, all “Channel” names are listed in Project (Classic)/Room (Space)/Naming. You will find the Analog and VoIP Dialer names in that location, and you will also be able to edit all of them in that location.
Room Count - Enter the number of room objects in use. Room objects allow for 1 Gain/Mute object. Volume and mute controls will auto program in Integration Designer APEX.
Up to 32 Room objects are supported.
Gain/Mute Count - Enter the number of Gain/Mute objects in use. These are Gain/Mute controls above and beyond those in the “Room” Group.
Up to 128 Gain/Mute objects are supported.
Generic-Level Count – Generic-Level is an all-purpose control of virtually any DSP object that contains a range of values. There is no precision supported with this control, so the minimum step range is a value 1. If you are using a gauge you must set the min/max values to equal that of the DSP range of the control object you wish to control.
Up to 128 Generic-Level objects are supported.
Generic-State Count – Generic-State is an all-purpose control of virtually any DSP object that contains two values, zero (0) and a one (1). The toggle selection will automatically use a value of 2. If the control object you’re are controlling does not support a toggle, you will have to code the toggle using the two set values.
Up to 128 Generic-State objects are supported.
Enable Matrix Control – The Matrix control allows you to control the crosspoints of the Matrix. Enabling the Matrix control provides access to Matrix-Input Count and Matrix-Output Count. Enter how many inputs you wish to control. Entering values in the count field will expose Matrix Input Configuration and Matrix Output Configuration. You do not need to enter all the inputs/outputs defined in the system, just the ones you need to control. Enter in the valid input and output Channel Names under this configuration. The order you enter them is the how the get assigned input/output numbers.
One Matrix control is supported, with up to 32 inputs and 32 outputs.
Enable Telco/VoIP – This driver supports an Analog or VoIP dialer. This setting exposes Telco Configuration. Telco Configuration is where you define what type of Dialer and it’s Channel Name/
One Dialer is Supported.
Room Control Configuration (1-32)
Name - Name of room for driver use. This is the name that will show up in ID/ID APEX and does not need to match the control name of the objects.
Volume ChannelName – The Channel Name as defined in the DSP programming.
Volume BlockName – LEVEL is only supported at this time.
Volume ParameterName - The Gain/Mute objects in the DSP program are defined by any object that has a BlockName of “LEVEL” with ‘GAIN” or “GAIN_FINE’ as the Parameter Name. You MUST pick the correct parameter name when defining this in our RTI program. A good rule of thumb is that Microphones normally use “GAIN_FINE” vs “GAIN”. If you see in the DSP program the control dialog contains a “course” gain, them the gain control uses “GAIN_FINE”.
Note: Gain/Mute objects also automatically get the MIN/MAX Gain Values from the DSP program. If you set them other that default, you will have to adjust your MIN/MAX gauge range.
Gain/Mute Control Configuration (1-128)
Name - Name of Gain/Mute object for driver use. This is the name that will show up in ID/ID APEX and does not need to match the control name of the objects.
ChannelName – The Channel Name as defined in the DSP programming.
BlockName – LEVEL is only supported at this time.
ParameterName - The Gain/Mute objects in the DSP program are defined by any object that has a BlockName of “LEVEL” with ‘GAIN” or “GAIN_FINE’ as the Parameter Name. You MUST pick the correct parameter name when defining this in our RTI program. A good rule of thumb is that Microphones normally use “GAIN_FINE” vs “GAIN”. If you see in the DSP program the control dialog contains a “course” gain, them the gain control uses “GAIN_FINE”.
Note: Gain/Mute objects also automatically get the MIN/MAX Gain Values from the DSP program. If you set them other that default, you will have to adjust your MIN/MAX gauge range.
Generic-Level Configuration (1-128)
Name - Name of Generic-Level object for driver use. This is the name that will show up in ID/ID APEX and does not need to match the control name of the objects.
ChannelName – The Channel Name as defined in the DSP programming.
BlockName – The block name of the DSP object you wish to control. (See protocol manual for all options).
ParameterName – The parameter name of the DSP object you wish to control. (See protocol manual for all options).
Min Value – the beginning value of the control range. (See Protocol Manual for the valid range of the DSP object).
Max Value – the end value of the control range. (See Protocol Manual for the valid range of the DSP object).
Generic-State Configuration (1-128)
Name - Name of Generic-State object for driver use. This is the name that will show up in ID/ID APEX and does not need to match the control name of the objects.
ChannelName – The Channel Name as defined in the DSP programming.
BlockName – The block name of the DSP object you wish to control. (See protocol manual for all options).
ParameterName – The parameter name of the DSP object you wish to control. (See protocol manual for all options).
Matrix Input Configuration (1-32)
Input-XXX: Name - Name of this Input for driver use. This is the name that will show up in ID/ID APEX and does not need to match the control name of the objects.
Input-XXX: ChannelName – The Channel Name as defined in the DSP programming for this Input.
Matrix Output Configuration (1-32)
Output-XXX: Name - Name of this Outout for driver use. This is the name that will show up in ID/ID APEX and does not need to match the control name of the objects.
Output-XXX: ChannelName – The Channel Name as defined in the DSP programming for this Output.