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This driver is for the ClearOne Converge series processors connected via Ethernet or RS-232. Please read the detailed driver "Get Info" for configuration and driver capabilities.
PLEASE NOTE: This driver requires advanced knowledge of the ClearOne Converge installation and setup procedures.
Version History:
Version 1.1: adds the ability to send DTMF tones when off-hook
Clearone – Converge Digital Signal Processor Family
This driver is for the Clearone Converge Digital Signal Processor Family.
This Driver has been tested on a Clearone Converge 840T running firmware version: 3.0.13
Revision History
1.0 The Initial Release of the driver
1.1 Updated to allow DTMF tones to be sent when off-hook.
TCP Connection
The ETHERNET connection on the Clearone Converge should be connected to the Network connection.
The Clearone Converge processor should be set to a Static IP Address using port 23. The TCP connection requires a user and password credentials in order to make a connect. By default the user name is “clearone” and the password is “converge”
RS-232 Connection
The RS232 connection on the Clearone Converge should be connected with a standard patch cable to the XP Series Processor serial adapter.
The Clearone Converge processor defaults to a baud rate of 57600 with CTS/RTS Handshaking.
Configuration Info
This instruction guide is not a replacement for the Clearone Converge Operating or RS-232 Control Manuals. Please be familiar with the Clearone Converge prior to configuration of this driver.
This driver has been design to control the complete family of Clearone Converge products. You can control multiple units with the same driver as long as the units are connected together.
Clearone Converge Family
SR 1212
SR 1212A
In order to handle the highly programmable nature of the Converge family of products, we created many configurable control points. It is very import to set the configuration information perfectly in order for the driver to work completely. In the Connection section you will notice the standard TCP and RS232 configuration information, at the bottom are two very important settings, Converge Type and Converge ID. You MUST set these to the actual unit type and address that you will be connecting to via RS232 or TCPIP. The driver uses this information to make sure we are connected and for Macro and Preset recalling.
There are three types of control points in the system;” Virtual Volume / Mute”, “Virtual Crosspoint”, and “Telephone Dialer/Phonebook”. There are 50 configurable “Virtual Volume / Mute” and “Virtual Crosspoint”; and one “Telephone Dialer/Phonebook” control points.
Virtual Volume / Mute (Max 50)
The Virtual Volume / Mute control point is a mainstay control object for this driver. Many of the items you wish to control will fall into this category. With each Virtual Volume / Mute control point you will be able to pick which of the Converge Products you wish to control including the address of the unit. You will need to choose what channel /group you want the Virtual Volume / mute control point to control.
It is very important to pick the right group when assigning. For example if you have the 840T the first four inputs are microphones. If you mistakenly select “Input” as your group versus “Microphone”, the driver will never update the correct Virtual Control point. The response from the Clearone Converge will be from the group “Microphone” despite what message was sent. The same hold true with the “Line” inputs, make sure you select “Line” as the group when you input is one of the line inputs.
With the Virtual Volume / Mute control point, the driver queries for the Max/Min gain adjustment limits set inside the Clearone Converge. The scaled volume will automatically adjust its range to match these limits. The Raise and Lower driver controls will keep the adjustments inside the limits as well. However, make sure when setting limits inside the Clearone Converge you make your default gain value inside the range as well.
Virtual Crosspoint (Max 50 objects)
The Virtual Crosspoint control point is a mainstay control object for this driver. Many of the items you wish to control will fall into this category. With a Virtual Crosspoint you will have to configure both a “source” channel/group and a “destination” channel/group assignments. Like the Virtual Volume / Mute control point your source group will have to match correctly with “Microphone” and “Line” when using these types of inputs.
With the Virtual Crosspoint you will be able to adjust the cross point gain setting, and route and de-route the audio. When routing with microphones as the source, you will need to choose if the route is Gated, Non-Gated or Pre-AEC. Other sources you can just turn on or off the route, you may also use the toggle feature.
Telephone Dialer / Phonebook
The Telephone Dialer / Phonebook control can control any of the following Clearone Converge products.
The driver can control any of these units because it is using the VoIP “X” commands exclusively versus the standard commands.
Whenever the driver receives an incoming ring indication, it would cause “Incoming Call” system event to occur if the message is from the same dialer as this configuration.