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This driver is for the Classé SSP-800 Surround Sound Processor, connected to the XP processor via RS-232.
Version History:
Version 1.01: adds additional baud rate configurations.
Classé Surround Sound Processor
This driver was designed and tested with a Classé SSP-800 Surround Sound Processor. The SSP-800 firmware was Version 3.0.2 build 0102.
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
1.01 Added extra baud rate configurations..
1.02 Maintenance Update.
1.03 Adds the Advanced Programming Extensions for Integration Designer 10 and above
RS-232 Connection
The Serial (RS-232) connection on the Classé SSP-800 should be connected with a straight through cable to the processor serial adapter.
The baud rate of the Serial (RS-232) port is set to 9600. The Baud on the SSP-800 can be changed to 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200.
To change the baud rate on the SSP-800:
Press the MENU button to access the main menu of the SSP-800.
On the remote, press F1, F2, F3, F4 in order.~ The screen should now change to a “tech menu”.
From the tech menu, press the “10101 Communications” button.~ Inside this menu you can choose the baud rate for the SSP-800.~
Driver Notes
- Button text for source names is acquired only when the respective source is selected. The names are then stored until the processor is rebooted or downloaded to.
- Power status queries are not available for the Classé processor. The driver resets the power status to false (off) upon a reboot or download. The driver then looks at the Volume State variable to determine the current power state of the Classé processor. If the Volume State variable is set to off, and the Classé processor is turned on when a download or reboot occurs, the Volume State variable would need to be switched to on via a volume up command for the correct power state. If the Classé processor's startup volume is set to last volume or specific (with a valid level) in the system setup menu, the power state variable should always be reflected appropriately.
- System Temperature and System AC Voltage are acquired every 30 seconds during the driver’s heartbeat process.
- Dolby Late Night mode is only available when the processor is in Dolby Digital 5.1 as per Classé. It is noted however that the unit used during driver development would allow Dolby Late Night mode to be activated/deactivated in the Classé processors menu system, but not through the driver even if the source was not Dolby Digital 5.1. This has been brought to the attention of Classé.
- A RAW driver command has been included for future protocol change convenience.