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PLEASE NOTE: This driver requires advanced knowledge of the BSS London BLU installation and setup procedures
Release History:
2.0: Updated to include custom driver creation based on a .csv file from the BSS software.
2.01: Fixes issue with Driver Properties not retaining configuration between saves.
BSS v2.0 should be used for new installs in ID11.
BSS v1.X should be used only in ID9 and old installations.
BSS Audio London BLU
This driver requires ID10(Apex) or newer as it includes a dynamic setup process.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This driver DOES NOT UPGRADE from v1.x version. This driver requires you to delete v1.x and reprogram the driver from scratch.
Tested and developed on a BSS-103, and a BSS-120.
Release History:
2.0: Updated to include custom driver creation based on a .csv file from the BSS software.
2.01: Fixes issue with Driver Properties not retaining configuration between saves.
Device Configuration:
When using serial control the following settings should be used on the BSS Equipment.
Stop Bits: 1
Data Bits: 8
Acknowledge (ACK): No
Parity: None
Driver Configuration:
To configure this driver properly you must create a .csv file using the Audio Architect software provided by Harmon. When using this software, you add a Third-Party Controller device to your project where you can then drag and drop all the parameters/objects you which to control from your RTI system. Any parameter listed in the Third-Party control object will get functions, and variables assigned to it in the driver when created.
After configuring the Third-Party Controller in Audio Architect you can then export this with the following settings.
Prefix: <none>
Separator: “,”
Base: Hex
If these settings are not correct you will get unexpected results when opening the file in Integration Designer. Next, you will need to add the Soundweb London driver to your Integration Designer project which will give you 2 fields one for the file path to the .csv file you just exported, and also the network information for the device you wish to control. After setting the file path field to the correct location on your computer you press the “Open File” button in the menu on the left, this will trigger Integration Designer to read your file and pull out all of the parameter information to start configuring your system.
Each Room you add to your project will have four configuration items required to create the driver properly.
Output Object ID: This is the object which contains the output volume control for the room.
Output Volume Parameter: This is the parameter which is the volume control for the room, this will be auto-programmed to the “Volume” button tags.
Output Mute Paramter: This is the parameter which is the mute control for the room, this should be a On/Off style parameter, this will be auto-programmed to the “Mute” button tags.
Input Object ID: This is the object which controls the input options to that room, by selecting this the functions to control that object will also be added to the room category for easier programming.
After configuring all of your rooms, press the “Save Configuration” button in the left menu to create all of the functions/variables as specified.
Driver Commands:
All parameters provided in the .csv file, will get 2 commands tied to them. The first being a set % command, this command can be used to send any discrete commands to that parameter. This includes Off and On commands by sending 0 and 100 respectively. The other command all parameters receive is a Bump % command, is to be used to incrementally increase or decrease a parameters set value.
Driver Variables:
All parameters provided in the .csv file will also get 2 variables tied to them. The first being a Status variable, this is a basic boolean variable that shows if the specific parameters current value is larger then 0. If the value is at 0 the status will be false, if the value is greater then 0 it will show true. All parameters also get a Value variable, this is the raw percentage value of the parameter 0-100, this includes discrete parameters such as mute, evaluating to 0 or 100 for off or on respectively.
Note: When using the Value variable of a binary style parameter on the BSS unit you may get unexpected values. Please refer to the Status variable when trying to assess these parameters. BSS sends back anything from 1-100 being true on binary parameters so you may get unexpected results from using that integer.
Source Selectors:
When using a Source Selector with this driver you utilize the set % command for the Source Selector parameter. To select a source with this command you need to know how many sources are on that source selector with that you can then determine what % each source would be selected at. For example, if you have a 10 input Source Selector you would use 10% for Input 1, or 30% for Input 3.
RAW Command format:
To use the RAW command, put in a string of hexadecimal starting with the message type, and ending with the value. This string needs to be non-replaced based on the API document you can find here.
Example: “89604F03000100000000000000”
This string would send a subscribe message to node 604F, object 03000100, parameter 0000.