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This driver is for the BSS Audio London BLU series processors connected via Ethernet or RS-232. Please read the driver "Get Info" for configuration and driver capabilities.
PLEASE NOTE: This driver requires advanced knowledge of the BSS London BLU installation and setup procedures.
Version History:
Version 1.01: fixes a problem where the XP processor could not connect to the processor.
Version 1.1: Doubled initial release object count. Changed HiQNet address configuration. Added Room Combine objects.
Version 1.2: adds dynamic naming and configuration, XPDiagnostics support, samples files, and adjustments to initialization routines.
Version 1.21: adjusts heartbeat mechanism for units without a front display.
BSS Audio - London BLU Signal Processor
This driver is for the BSS Audio London BLU series processors.
Version 1.2 of this driver has been tested on a London BLU-160 (version 86.4.2) using RS232 and TCP Connectivity.
NOTE - When using the Update Driver feature of ID, the address configuration mapping may need to be re-entered. The original button variables will still work if the address mapping matches the original configuration.
Revision History
1.0 The Initial release of the driver
1.01 Fixed intermittent initialization issue
1.1 Doubled initial release object count. Changed HiQnet address configuration. Added Room Combine objects.
1.2 Added dynamic naming/configuration
Added Dynamic Function Setting configuration item for automatic mapping of HiQnet addresses to driver functions.
Adjusted initialization routines.
Added XPDiagnostics Log Info capabilities.
Added BSS Sample.rti and BSS Dynamic Sample.rti files.
Added RTI Sample v2_15.audioarchitect file used during development (v2.15 required).
1.21 Changed hearbeat mechanism for units without a front display.
Connection Type
Network (TCP) - Select when TCP connectivity is preferred.
Serial (RS-232) - Select when Serial Connectivity (RS-232) is preferred.
Network (TCP) Settings
TCP Address - Enter the address assigned to the BSS London BLU Processor. A Static IP address is recommended and can be set in the BSS software or possibly through MAC address reservations in the network router.
TCP Port - Enter the TCP port to be used for communications with the BSS London BLU processor. The default used by the BSS London BLU is port 1023.
Serial (RS-232) Settings
Serial Port - Select the serial port that is to be used for connecting to the BSS London BLU Processor. A null modem is required.
Baud Rate - Select the baud rate used for serial control of the BSS London BLU. The default baud rate is 115200.
Special Note - Saving a new configuration to the BSS London BLU requires the XP Series Processor be rebooted or re-downloaded to, as subscriptions are reset when the new configuration is loaded.
Dynamic Function Settings
Non-Dynamic - This setting should be used when updating the driver from version 1.1 or prior. This setting allows for the HiQnet Address parameter in all functions to stay the same and does not require re-dragging all functions to the user interfaces or re-programming the functions in macros.
Dynamic - This setting should be used for new installations only or if updating from version 1.2 or later when already set to dynamic. This setting switches the HiQnet Address parameter in all functions to a list of configured objects for the specified function. If this setting is selected upon a driver update from version 1.1 or previous, all user interface and macro functions will need to be re-programmed.
Note - Variables and events are not affected by the Dynamic Function Setting.
Configuration Info
The intension of this driver is to provide feedback and control using various combinations of object types created in HiQnet London Architect.
NOTE - When using the Update Driver feature of ID, the address configuration mapping may need to be re-entered. The original button variables will still work if the address mapping matches the original configuration.
The "Master Node Address" slot should contain the HiQnet Node Address of the main London BLU processor in which the driver is to communicate to as the Master. This configuration is used to achieve connectivity and keep the driver communication alive. The address to be entered in this slot should contain 4 characters (2 bytes). The leading 0x of the HiQnet Node Address is to be omitted.
Each object type has its own category which contain address mapping slots for the available objects supported in that category. The HiQnet address assigned to the objects in the London Architect software must be mapped to the appropriate object slot for feedback from the London BLU hardware. The leading 0x of the HiQnet Address is to be omitted in all configuration slots and driver commands.
The Room Combine object configurations include an extra field for the partition count used in the respective object, along with enable check boxes for the supported controls. If the type of control is not used in the object leave the enable check box unchecked. This helps with initialization and cuts back on unused data subscriptions in the London BLU.
The following object types are included for feedback/control with their specific configurations used in this driver.
Matrix Mixer Object (Max 6 objects)
This object is capable of an 8x8 matrix mixer. Input to output routing and crosspoint gain are the adjustable commands/parameters. Up to 6 matrix mixers can be used with 8 outputs on each individual matrix mixer to obtain 48 outputs. Depending on the configuration of the inputs per matrix mixer a total of 48 inputs are available, but only 8 available per matrix mixer.
Matrix Router Object (Max 6 objects)
This object is capable of an 8x8 matrix router. Input to output routing are the adjustable commands/parameters. Up to 6 matrix routers can be used with 8 outputs on each individual matrix mixer to obtain 48 outputs. Depending on the configuration of the inputs per matrix router a total of 48 inputs are available, but only 8 available per matrix router.
Source Matrix Object (Max 6 objects)
This object is capable of an 8x8 source matrix. Input to output selections are the adjustable commands/parameters. Up to 6 source matrices can be used with 8 outputs on each individual source matrix to obtain 48 outputs. Depending on the configuration of the inputs per source matrix a total of 48 inputs are available, but only 8 available per source matrix.
Source Selector Object (Max 48 objects)
This object is capable of an 8x1 source selector. Input to output selections are the adjustable commands/parameters. Up to 48 source selectors can be used with 8 inputs on each individual source selector. Depending on the configuration 384 inputs are available, but only 8 available per source selector.
Mixer Object (Max 6 objects)
This object is capable of an 8x2 mixer. Channel gain, channel mute, master gain, and master mute are the adjustable commands/parameters. Up to 8 mixers can be used with 8 channels on each mixer for a total of 48 channels. The mixer is intended for mono inputs (channels) to feed either a mono or stereo master output. Individual Left(mono) and Right master volume controls are available. This is useful if a mono-two zone setup is required as channel signals are sent to both left and right equally (unless channel panning is adjusted in the HiQnet London Architect software).
N-input Object (Max 6 objects)
This object is capable of 8 in/outs of gain with a master section. Input gain, input mute, master gain, and master mute are the adjustable commands/parameters. Up to 6 N-input objects can be used with 8 in/outs per N-input for a total of 48 in/outs and 6 master sections (1 per each 8 in/outs). The master section of the N-input controls the overall level/mute settings for the 8 in/outs of the respective N-input without changing the individual in/out settings. This is useful if spot muting or attenuation is needed for multiple in/outs (zones).
Mono Gain Object (Max 48 objects)
This object is capable of 1 in/out of gain. Gain and mute are the adjustable commands/parameters. Up to 48 mono gain objects can be used.
Room Combine Object (Max 6 objects)
This object is capable combining up to 8 rooms with a maximum of 16 partitions per object. Room combining is achieved by setting up partitions in the London Architect software. Each room in this object consists of a master gain, master mute, source gain, source mute, BGM gain, BGM mute, and BGM input.
Venue Presets
Venue Preset Recall locations have been included. They are designated from 1 to 100. Feedback for a selected preset is not available from the driver, however if a variable included in the driver is controlled through the preset its variable will update.
Parameter Presets
Parameter Preset Recall locations have been included. They are designated from 0 to 99. Feedback for a selected preset is not available from the driver, however if a variable included in the driver is controlled through the preset its variable will update.
Special Note - Saving a new configuration to the BSS London BLU requires the XP Series Processor be rebooted or re-downloaded to, as subscriptions are reset when the new configuration is loaded.