- Recent Updates
- Access Control
- Amplifier
- A/V Receiver
- Climate and Pool Control
- Disc Player / Changer
- Display
- Irrigation / Sprinklers
- Lighting Control
- Matrix Switch
- Media Server and Player
- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
- Security
- Surveillance
- Teleconferencing
- Training
- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control
- Recent Updates
- Access Control
- Amplifier
- A/V Receiver
- Climate and Pool Control
- Disc Player / Changer
- Display
- Irrigation / Sprinklers
- Lighting Control
- Matrix Switch
- Media Server and Player
- Multi-Room A/V
- Power and Rack Management
- Security
- Surveillance
- Teleconferencing
- Training
- Tuner
- Utility
- Video Projector
- Voice Control

This driver provides control and metadata feedback from the SoundTouch line of media players.
Bose has worked with Janus Technologies to create a new driver for the SoundTouch. You can get this free driver at http://janustechnology.co.uk/products/drivers/bose-soundtouch-driver-rti/
Version History:
Version 1.1: adds improved preset 'in use' feedback.
Version 1.2: discovers the number and names of external inputs (including Bluetooth) and adds commands and variables to use them.
Version 1.22: Add APEX Programming features.
Bose SoundTouch
This driver provides IP control and metadata from the Bose SoundTouch line of media players. Version 1.1 was tested using Webservices API 1.0.1 and tested with a SoundTouch 20 and a LifeStyle 135 with SoundTouch adapter
Version History
1.0 The initial release of the driver
1.1 Improved handling of presets (adds variables for currently playing preset). Also adds device name as a variable
1.2 Adds commands and variables for external inputs, including Bluetooth
1.22 Adds the Advanced Programming Extensions for Integration Designer 10 and above
This driver provides basic control of Bose SoundTouch media players as well as full metadata from the currently playing media. It provides access to all the defined presets but does not have browsing capability.
Configuring the driver is a simple as entering the players IP Address. Setting the SoundTouch to a static IP address is required and is done through the devices web interface on port 80
Showing Controls
Commands exist for all the normal transport actions as well as thumbs up and thumbs down but not all services make these all available. To allow the interface to only show available commands the driver includes Skip Previous, Skip, and Rate enabled variables that can be used to make their associated buttons visible. It also includes a variable design to show Repeat (Has Repeat) and Shuffle (Has Shuffle) as well as the progress bar and other time variables (Track has Length) This will prevent confusing the end user by hiding controls and variables that aren't valid for the current source
The driver supports up to 8 aux inputs. Each input has variables for it's name (as given in the app), whether it's active and whether it even exists. Besids the command you can give a button for an input a name, highlight it and make it appear (you don't want to show 8 inputs on a 4 input machine)
The driver uses the following templates:
SoundTouch, MusicPlayer
In case of multiple entries, APEX uses the first available device in the template file.