Driver Details

Blustream AMF41W

Updated: Feb. 13, 2025
Version: 1.03


Driver to control Blustream AMF41W Devices over IP.

Version History:

Version 1.0: Initial Release

Version 1.01: Fixes call to the reconnect timer. If the AMF41W becomes disconnected, the driver will now attempt to reconnect automatically.

Version 1.02: Fixes issue with source names showing NULL. Source Names will now show the configured source name from the Web GUI. Other minor bugfixes.

Version 1.03: Fixes Reconnection Issue

Blustream AMF41W

This driver was written and tested using a Blustream AMF41W running firmware version V2.5.9 and GUI V1.0.5.

Release History:

1.0: Initial Release of the driver.

1.01: Fixes issue with reconnect procedure.

1.02: Fixes issue with source names showing NULL. Source Names will now show the configured source name from the Web GUI. Other minor bugfixes.

1.03 Fixed Reconnection issue


IP Address: This is the assigned IP address of the device.

Port: This is the port number. By default it is set to 23.


In order for the driver to connect the AMF41W needs to have Telnet Access turned on. The easiest way to set this to active is from the Web GUI under "Network"->"Wired"->"Telnet Access".

Using the driver:

There is a sample file included which shows 1 way of utilizing this driver which will mimic the Web GUI's functionality. We have also included many extra variables to allow for different GUI's to be created using the information given from the device to provide realtime feedback.